Arthur E. Johnson
Arthur E. Johnson
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M University
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Signal sequence recognition and protein targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane
P Walter, AE Johnson
Annual review of cell biology 10 (1), 87-119, 1994
The translocon: a dynamic gateway at the ER membrane
AE Johnson, MA Van Waes
Annual review of cell and developmental biology 15 (1), 799-842, 1999
BiP maintains the permeability barrier of the ER membrane by sealing the lumenal end of the translocon pore before and early in translocation
BD Hamman, LM Hendershot, AE Johnson
Cell 92 (6), 747-758, 1998
Photocrosslinking of the signal sequence of nascent preprolactin to the 54-kilodalton polypeptide of the signal recognition particle.
UC Krieg, P Walter, AE Johnson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 83 (22), 8604-8608, 1986
Nascent membrane and secretory proteins differ in FRET-detected folding far inside the ribosome and in their exposure to ribosomal proteins
CA Woolhead, PJ McCormick, AE Johnson
Cell 116 (5), 725-736, 2004
Secretory proteins move through the endoplasmic reticulum membrane via an aqueous, gated pore
KS Crowley, S Liao, VE Worrell, GD Reinhart, AE Johnson
Cell 78 (3), 461-471, 1994
The mechanism of membrane insertion for a cholesterol-dependent cytolysin: a novel paradigm for pore-forming toxins
O Shatursky, AP Heuck, LA Shepard, J Rossjohn, MW Parker, ...
Cell 99 (3), 293-299, 1999
The signal sequence moves through a ribosomal tunnel into a noncytoplasmic aqueous environment at the ER membrane early in translocation
KS Crowley, GD Reinhart, AE Johnson
Cell 73 (6), 1101-1115, 1993
The aqueous pore through the translocon has a diameter of 40–60 Å during cotranslational protein translocation at the ER membrane
BD Hamman, JC Chen, EE Johnson, AE Johnson
Cell 89 (4), 535-544, 1997
Identification of a membrane-spanning domain of the thiol-activated pore-forming toxin Clostridium perfringens perfringolysin O: an α-helical to β-sheet transition identified …
LA Shepard, AP Heuck, BD Hamman, J Rossjohn, MW Parker, KR Ryan, ...
Biochemistry 37 (41), 14563-14574, 1998
Functional reconstitution of ESCRT-III assembly and disassembly
S Saksena, J Wahlman, D Teis, AE Johnson, SD Emr
Cell 136 (1), 97-109, 2009
Antibody to signal recognition particle in polymyositis
IN Targoff, AE Johnson, FW Miller
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 1990
N-linked glycans direct the cotranslational folding pathway of influenza hemagglutinin
R Daniels, B Kurowski, AE Johnson, DN Hebert
Molecular cell 11 (1), 79-90, 2003
The cotranslational integration of membrane proteins into the phospholipid bilayer is a multistep process
H Do, D Falcone, J Lin, DW Andrews, AE Johnson
Cell 85 (3), 369-378, 1996
The methionine-rich domain of the 54 kd protein subunit of the signal recognition particle contains an RNA binding site and can be crosslinked to a signal sequence.
D Zopf, HD Bernstein, AE Johnson, P Walter
The EMBO journal 9 (13), 4511-4518, 1990
Close membrane-membrane proximity induced by Ca2+-dependent multivalent binding of synaptotagmin-1 to phospholipids
D Araç, X Chen, HA Khant, J Ubach, SJ Ludtke, M Kikkawa, AE Johnson, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 13 (3), 209-217, 2006
Tissue factor: an enzyme cofactor and a true receptor
JH Morrissey
Thrombosis and haemostasis 86 (07), 66-74, 2001
Both lumenal and cytosolic gating of the aqueous ER translocon pore are regulated from inside the ribosome during membrane protein integration
S Liao, J Lin, H Do, AE Johnson
Cell 90 (1), 31-41, 1997
Structural insights into the membrane-anchoring mechanism of a cholesterol-dependent cytolysin
R Ramachandran, AP Heuck, RK Tweten, AE Johnson
Nature structural biology 9 (11), 823-827, 2002
Only two amino acids are essential for cytolytic toxin recognition of cholesterol at the membrane surface
AJ Farrand, S LaChapelle, EM Hotze, AE Johnson, RK Tweten
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (9), 4341-4346, 2010
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Articles 1–20