Denes Takacs
Denes Takacs
Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
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Delay effects in shimmy dynamics of wheels with stretched string-like tyres
D Takács, G Orosz, G Stépán
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 28 (3), 516-525, 2009
Isolated large amplitude periodic motions of towed rigid wheels
D Takács, G Stépán, SJ Hogan
Nonlinear Dynamics 52, 27-34, 2008
Bifurcation analysis of wheel shimmy with non-smooth effects and time delay in the tyre–ground contact
S Beregi, D Takacs, G Stepan
Nonlinear Dynamics 98 (1), 841-858, 2019
Experiments on quasiperiodic wheel shimmy
D Takács, G Stépán
Ultimate capability of variable pitch milling cutters
G Stepan, D Hajdu, A Iglesias, D Takacs, Z Dombovari
CIRP Annals 67 (1), 373-376, 2018
Contact patch memory of tyres leading to lateral vibrations of four-wheeled vehicles
D Takács, G Stépán
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2013
Micro-shimmy of towed structures in experimentally uncharted unstable parameter domain
D Takács, G Stépán
Vehicle System Dynamics 50 (11), 1613-1630, 2012
Stabilizing skateboard speed-wobble with reflex delay
B Varszegi, D Takacs, G Stepan, SJ Hogan
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 13 (121), 20160345, 2016
Connectivity-based delay-tolerant control of automated vehicles: theory and experiments
S Beregi, SS Avedisov, CR He, D Takács, G Orosz
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 8 (1), 275-289, 2021
Tyre induced vibrations of the car–trailer system
S Beregi, D Takács, G Stépán
Journal of Sound and Vibration 362, 214-227, 2016
On stability of emulated turning processes in HIL environment
G Stepan, B Beri, A Miklos, R Wohlfart, D Bachrathy, G Porempovics, ...
CIRP Annals 68 (1), 405-408, 2019
Dynamics of towed wheels: nonlinear theory and experiments
D Takács
PQDT-Global, 2015
Nonholonomic dynamics and control of road vehicles: moving toward automation
WB Qin, Y Zhang, D Takács, G Stépán, G Orosz
Nonlinear Dynamics 110 (3), 1959-2004, 2022
On the nonlinear dynamics of automated vehicles–a nonholonomic approach
B Várszegi, D Takács, G Orosz
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 74, 371-380, 2019
Stability and local bifurcation analyses of two-wheeled trailers considering the nonlinear coupling between lateral and vertical motions
HZ Horvath, D Takacs
Nonlinear Dynamics, 1-18, 2022
Nonlinear analysis of a shimmying wheel with contact-force characteristics featuring higher-order discontinuities
S Beregi, D Takács, C Hős
Nonlinear Dynamics 90, 877-888, 2017
Analysis of the tyre–road interaction with a non-smooth delayed contact model
S Beregi, D Takács
Multibody System Dynamics 45, 185-201, 2019
Shimmy model for electric vehicle with independent suspensions
T Mi, G Stepan, D Takacs, N Chen
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2018
Vehicle shimmy modeling with Pacejka's magic formula and the delayed tire model
T Mi, G Stepan, D Takacs, N Chen
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 15 (3), 031005, 2020
Theoretical and experimental study on the nonlinear dynamics of wheel-shimmy
S Beregi, D Takacs, G Gyebroszki, G Stepan
Nonlinear Dynamics 98 (4), 2581-2593, 2019
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Articles 1–20