Parth Pathak
Parth Pathak
Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, George Mason University
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Visible Light Communication, Networking and Sensing: A Survey, Potential and Challenges
PH Pathak, X Feng, P Hu, P Mohapatra
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2015
WiWho: WiFi-based person identification in smart spaces
Y Zeng, PH Pathak, P Mohapatra
2016 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in …, 2016
A survey of network design problems and joint design approaches in wireless mesh networks
PH Pathak, R Dutta
IEEE Communications surveys & tutorials 13 (3), 396-428, 2010
Finger-writing with smartwatch: A case for finger and hand gesture recognition using smartwatch
C Xu, PH Pathak, P Mohapatra
Proceedings of the 16th international workshop on mobile computing systems …, 2015
Monitoring vital signs using millimeter wave.
Z Yang, PH Pathak, Y Zeng, X Liran, P Mohapatra
ACM MobiHoc, 211-220, 2016
Uncovering privacy leakage in BLE network traffic of wearable fitness trackers
AK Das, PH Pathak, CN Chuah, P Mohapatra
Proceedings of the 17th international workshop on mobile computing systems …, 2016
Accelword: Energy efficient hotword detection through accelerometer
L Zhang, PH Pathak, M Wu, Y Zhao, P Mohapatra
Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2015
Vital sign and sleep monitoring using millimeter wave
Z Yang, PH Pathak, Y Zeng, X Liran, P Mohapatra
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 13 (2), 1-32, 2017
Analyzing Shopper’s Behavior through WiFi Signals
Y Zeng, PH Pathak, P Mohapatra
The 2nd Workshop on Physical Analytics with ACM Mobisys 2015, 2015
Colorbars: Increasing data rate of led-to-camera communication using color shift keying
P Hu, PH Pathak, X Feng, H Fu, P Mohapatra
proceedings of the 11th ACM conference on Emerging Networking experiments …, 2015
A First Look at 802.11 ac in Action: Energy Efficiency and Interference Characterization
Y Zeng, PH Pathak, P Mohapatra
IFIP Networking 2014, 2014
mmasl: Environment-independent asl gesture recognition using 60 ghz millimeter-wave signals
PS Santhalingam, AA Hosain, D Zhang, P Pathak, H Rangwala, ...
ACM UbiComp/IMWUT - Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable …, 2020
Monitoring Building Door Events using Barometer Sensor in Smartphones
M Wu, PH Pathak, P Mohapatra
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing …, 2015
Your ap knows how you move: fine-grained device motion recognition through wifi
Y Zeng, PH Pathak, C Xu, P Mohapatra
Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Hot topics in wireless, 49-54, 2014
Hand pose guided 3d pooling for word-level sign language recognition
AA Hosain, PS Santhalingam, P Pathak, H Rangwala, J Kosecka
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer …, 2021
Sensor-assisted Codebook-based Beamforming for Mobility Management in 60 GHz WLANs
Z Yang, PH Pathak, Y Zeng, P Mohapatra
IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2015
Milliear: Millimeter-wave acoustic eavesdropping with unconstrained vocabulary
P Hu, Y Ma, PS Santhalingam, PH Pathak, X Cheng
IEEE INFOCOM - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 11-20, 2022
Contextual Localization Through Network Traffic Analysis
AK Das, PH Pathak, CN Chuah, P Mohapatra
IEEE INFOCOM 2014, 2014
AccEar: Accelerometer Acoustic Eavesdropping with Unconstrained Vocabulary
P Hu, H Zhuang, PS Santhalingam, R Spolaor, P Pathak, G Zhang, ...
IEEE S&P - IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), 2022
[WiFi-based] Non-Intrusive Multi-Modal Estimation of Building Occupancy
AK Das, PH Pathak, J Jee, CN Chuah, P Mohapatra
ACM SenSys 2017, 2017
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Articles 1–20