Nanxi Kang
Nanxi Kang
Princeton University
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Cited by
Packet-level telemetry in large datacenter networks
Y Zhu, N Kang, J Cao, A Greenberg, G Lu, R Mahajan, D Maltz, L Yuan, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Special Interest Group on Data …, 2015
Optimizing the One Big Switch Abstraction in Software-Defined Networks
N Kang, Z Liu, J Rexford, D Walker
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Emerging networking …, 0
Efficient traffic splitting on commodity switches
N Kang, M Ghobadi, J Reumann, A Shraer, J Rexford
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments …, 2015
MadLINQ: large-scale distributed matrix computation for the cloud
Z Qian, X Chen, N Kang, M Chen, Y Yu, T Moscibroda, Z Zhang
Proceedings of the 7th ACM european conference on Computer Systems, 197-210, 2012
Policy transformation in software defined networks
N Kang, J Reich, J Rexford, D Walker
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2012 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2012
Niagara: Scalable load balancing on commodity switches
N Kang, M Ghobadi, J Reumann, A Shraer, J Rexford
Princeton, NJ, USA, Tech. Rep. TR-973-14, 2014
Alpaca: Compact network policies with attribute-carrying addresses
N Kang, O Rottenstreich, S Rao, J Rexford
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments …, 2015
Optimizing the
N Kang, Z Liu, J Rexford, D Walker
One Big Switch” Abstraction in Software-Defined Networks”, CoNEXT 13, 9-12, 0
Alpaca: Compact network policies with attribute-encoded addresses
N Kang, O Rottenstreich, SG Rao, J Rexford
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25 (3), 1846-1860, 2017
Efficient traffic splitting on sdn switches
N Kang, M Ghobadi, J Reumann, A Shraer, J Rexford
ACM CoNEXT 10 (2716281.2836091), 2015
An efficient distributed implementation of one big switch
N Kang, Z Liu, J Rexford, D Walker
Open Networking Summit, 2013
Flexible enterprise network management on commodity switches
N Kang
Princeton University, 2016
MadLINQ: Large-Scale Disributed Matrix
Z Qian, X Chen, N Kang, M Chen, Y Yu, T Moscibroda, Z Zhang
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Articles 1–13