Nicholas Beauchamp
Nicholas Beauchamp
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Network Science Institute, Northeastern
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Cited by
Predicting and interpolating state‐level polls using Twitter textual data
N Beauchamp
American Journal of Political Science 61 (2), 490-503, 2017
Measuring public opinion with social media data
M Klašnja, P Barberį, N Beauchamp, J Nagler, JA Tucker
POLITICS: Pretraining with same-story article comparison for ideology prediction and stance detection
Y Liu, XF Zhang, D Wegsman, N Beauchamp, L Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.00619, 2022
What terrorist leaders want: A content analysis of terrorist propaganda videos
M Abrahms, N Beauchamp, J Mroszczyk
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 40 (11), 899-916, 2017
Why keep arguing? Predicting engagement in political conversations online
S Shugars, N Beauchamp
Sage Open 9 (1), 2158244019828850, 2019
Educational accountability and state ESSA plans
J Portz, N Beauchamp
Educational Policy 36 (3), 717-747, 2022
Winning on the merits: The joint effects of content and style on debate outcomes
L Wang, N Beauchamp, S Shugars, K Qin
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 5, 219-232, 2017
Using text to scale legislatures with uninformative voting
N Beauchamp
New York University Mimeo, 2011
Sentence-level media bias analysis informed by discourse structures
Y Lei, R Huang, L Wang, N Beauchamp
Proceedings of the 2022 conference on empirical methods in natural language …, 2022
Microblog conversation recommendation via joint modeling of topics and discourse
X Zeng, J Li, L Wang, N Beauchamp, S Shugars, KF Wong
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2018
Modeling and Measuring Deliberation Online
Oxford Handbook of Networked Communication, 321-349, 2020
DebateVis: Visualizing political debates for non-expert users
L South, M Schwab, N Beauchamp, L Wang, J Wihbey, MA Borkin
2020 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 241-245, 2020
Text-based scaling of legislatures: A comparison of methods with applications to the US Senate and UK House of Commons
N Beauchamp
Unpublished manuscript, 2010
“This Candle Has No Smell”: Detecting the Effect of COVID Anosmia on Amazon Reviews Using Bayesian Vector Autoregression
N Beauchamp
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 16 …, 2022
Generative entity-to-entity stance detection with knowledge graph augmentation
XF Zhang, N Beauchamp, L Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.01467, 2022
The Oxford handbook of polling and survey methods
M Klašnja, P Barberį, N Beauchamp, J Nagler, JA Tucker
Edited by Lonna Rae Atkeson and R. Michael Alvarez, 2018
A multisource database tracking the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the communities of Boston, MA, USA
A Ristea, R Tucker, S You, M Amiri, N Beauchamp, E Castro, Q Chen, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 330, 2022
A Bottom-up Approach to Linguistic Persuasion in Advertising
N Beauchamp
The Political Methodologist, 2011
How to Scale Legislatures with Text: A comparison of methods, with applications to the US Congress and UK House of Commons
N Beauchamp
Working paper, 2011
MOKA: Moral Knowledge Augmentation for Moral Event Extraction
XF Zhang, W Wu, N Beauchamp, L Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.09733, 2023
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Articles 1–20