Didzis Elferts
Didzis Elferts
LSFRI "Silava"
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Microbiome symbionts and diet diversity incur costs on the immune system of insect larvae
IA Krams, S Kecko, P Jõers, G Trakimas, D Elferts, R Krams, S Luoto, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 220 (22), 4204-4212, 2017
Macrophyte assessment in European lakes: Diverse approaches but convergent views of ‘good’ecological status
S Poikane, R Portielje, L Denys, D Elferts, M Kelly, A Kolada, H Mäemets, ...
Ecological indicators 94, 185-197, 2018
Diet overlap between juvenile flatfish and the invasive round goby in the central Baltic Sea
D Ustups, U Bergström, AB Florin, E Kruze, D Zilniece, D Elferts, ...
Journal of Sea Research 107, 121-129, 2016
Assessment of site-specific drivers of farmland abandonment in mosaic-type landscapes: A case study in Vidzeme, Latvia
I Vinogradovs, O Nikodemus, D Elferts, G Brūmelis
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 253, 113-121, 2018
Scots pine pointer-years in northwestern Latvia and their relationship with climatic factors
D Elferts
Acta Universitatis Latviensis 723, 163-170, 2007
Changes in climatic signals of English oak tree-ring width and cross-section area of earlywood vessels in Latvia during the period 1900–2009
R Matisons, D Elferts, G Brūmelis
Forest Ecology and Management 279, 34-44, 2012
Presence of Root Rot Reduces Stability of Norway Spruce (Picea abies): Results of Static Pulling Tests in Latvia
O Krisans, R Matisons, S Rust, N Burnevica, L Bruna, D Elferts, L Kalvane, ...
Forests 11 (4), 416, 2020
Carbon pools in a hemiboreal over-mature Norway spruce stands
L Ķēniņa, D Elferts, E Bāders, Ā Jansons
Forests 9 (7), 435, 2018
Pointer years in tree-ring width and earlywood-vessel area time series of Quercus robur—relation with climate factors near its northern distribution limit
R Matisons, D Elferts, G Brūmelis
Dendrochronologia 31 (2), 129-139, 2013
Age and spatial structure of natural Pinus sylvestris stands in Latvia
G Brumelis, D Elferts, L Liepina, I Luce, G Tabors, D Tjarve
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 20 (6), 471-480, 2005
Prevalence, Genetic Diversity and Factors Associated with Distribution of Listeria monocytogenes and Other Listeria spp. in Cattle Farms in Latvia
M Terentjeva, Ž Šteingolde, I Meistere, D Elferts, J Avsejenko, M Streikiša, ...
Pathogens 10 (7), 851, 2021
Effect of bark-stripping on mechanical stability of Norway spruce
O Krisans, R Saleniece, S Rust, D Elferts, R Kapostins, A Jansons, ...
Forests 11 (3), 357, 2020
Habitat quality affects stress responses and survival in a bird wintering under extremely low ambient temperatures
D Cīrule, T Krama, R Krams, D Elferts, A Kaasik, MJ Rantala, ...
The Science of Nature 104, 1-13, 2017
Estimates of tree canopy closure and basal area as proxies for tree crown volume at a stand scale
G Brūmelis, I Dauškane, D Elferts, L Strode, T Krama, I Krams
Forests 11 (11), 1180, 2020
Plasticity of response of tree-ring width of Scots pine provenances to weather extremes in Latvia
R Matisons, D Jansone, D Elferts, A Adamovičs, V Schneck, Ā Jansons
Dendrochronologia 54, 1-10, 2019
Baltic herring prey selectively on older copepodites of Eurytemora affinis and Limnocalanus macrurus in the Gulf of Riga
L Livdāne, I Putnis, G Rubene, D Elferts, A Ikauniece
Oceanologia 58 (1), 46-53, 2016
Tidal, diel and lunar patterns in intertidal and subtidal mangrove creek fish assemblages from southwest Thailand
U Krumme, K Grinvalds, M Zagars, D Elferts, K Ikejima, P Tongnunui
Environmental Biology of Fishes 98, 1671-1693, 2015
Stem damage modifies the impact of wind on Norway spruces
G Snepsts, M Kitenberga, D Elferts, J Donis, A Jansons
Forests 11 (4), 463, 2020
Effect of climate on extreme radial growth of Scots pine growing on bogs in Latvia.
I Dauskane, G Brūmelis, D Elferts
Estonian Journal of Ecology 60 (3), 2011
Ecological stoichiometry: a link between developmental speed and physiological stress in an omnivorous insect
G Trakimas, R Krams, T Krama, R Kortet, S Haque, S Luoto, ...
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 13, 42, 2019
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