Brian J. Love
Brian J. Love
Professor of Law, Santa Clara University
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An Empirical Study of Patent Litigation Timing: Could a Patent Term Reduction Decimate Trolls Without Harming Innovators?
BJ Love
U. Pa. L. Rev. 161, 1309, 2012
Patentee Overcompensation and the Entire Market Value Rule
BJ Love
Stan. L. Rev. 60, 263, 2007
Predictably Expensive: A Critical Look at Patent Litigation in the Eastern District of Texas
BJ Love, J Yoon
Stan. Tech. L. Rev. 20, 1, 2017
The Misuse of Reasonable Royalty Damages as a Patent Infringement Deterrent
BJ Love
Mo. L. Rev. 74, 909, 2009
Do university patents pay off-evidence from a survey of university inventors in computer science and electrical engineering
BJ Love
Yale JL & Tech. 16, 285, 2013
Determinants of patent quality: Evidence from inter partes review proceedings
BJ Love, SP Miller, S Ambwani
U. Colo. L. Rev. 90, 67, 2019
Is there a patent troll problem in the UK
C Helmers, B Love, L McDonagh
Fordham Intell. Prop. Media & Ent. LJ 24, 509, 2013
Interring the Pioneer Invention Doctrine
BJ Love
NCL rev. 90, 379, 2011
Expanding patent law's customer suit exception
BJ Love, JC Yoon
BUL Rev. 93, 1605, 2013
Best Mode Trade Secrets
BJ Love, CB Seaman
Yale JL & Tech. 15, 1, 2012
Patent litigation in china: Protecting rights or the local economy
BJ Love, C Helmers, M Eberhardt
Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 18, 713, 2015
Like deck chairs on the Titanic: why spectrum reallocation won't avert the coming data crunch but technology might keep the wireless industry afloat
BJ Love, DJ Love, JV Krogmeier
Wash. UL Rev. 89, 705, 2011
Inter Partes Review: An Early Look at the Numbers
BJ Love, S Ambwani
U. Chi. L. Rev. Dialogue 81, 93, 2014
An empirical look at the brokered market for patents
BJ Love, K Richardson, E Oliver, M Costa
Mo. L. REv. 83, 359, 2018
Patent assertion entities in Europe
BJ Love, C Helmers, F Gaessler, M Ernicke
Patent Assertion Entities and Competition Policy, Cambridge University Press, 2016
Litigation of standards-essential patents in Europe: A comparative analysis
JL Contreras, F Gaessler, C Helmers, BJ Love
Berkeley Technology Law Journal 32 (4), 1457-1488, 2017
Inter Partes Review as a Shield for Technology Purchasers: A Response to Gaia Bernstein's The Rise of the End-User in Patent Litigation
BJ Love
BCL Rev. 56, 1075, 2015
The effect of fee shifting on litigation: evidence from a policy innovation in intermediate cost shifting
C Helmers, Y Lefouili, BJ Love, L McDonagh
American Law and Economics Review 23 (1), 56-99, 2021
The effect of patent litigation insurance: Theory and evidence from npes
B Ganglmair, C Helmers, BJ Love
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 38 (3), 741-773, 2022
Make the patent polluters pay: Using pigovian fees to curb patent abuse
J Bessen, BJ Love
Calif. L. Rev. Circuit 4, 84, 2013
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Articles 1–20