Chia-Hsiung (Eric) Chen
Chia-Hsiung (Eric) Chen
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Cited by
Quantifying technical skills during open operations using video-based motion analysis
CE Glarner, YY Hu, CH Chen, RG Radwin, Q Zhao, MW Craven, ...
Surgery 156 (3), 729-734, 2014
Automated video exposure assessment of repetitive hand activity level for a load transfer task
CH Chen, YH Hu, TY Yen, RG Radwin
Human factors 55 (2), 298-308, 2013
A parameterizable digital-approximated 2D Gaussian smoothing filter for edge detection in noisy image
PY Hsiao, CH Chen, SS Chou, LT Li, SJ Chen
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 4 pp., 2006
A marker-less technique for measuring kinematics in the operating room
LL Frasier, DP Azari, Y Ma, SRP Quamme, RG Radwin, CM Pugh, TY Yen, ...
Surgery 160 (5), 1400-1413, 2016
Apparatus, method and system for measuring repetitive motion activity
R Radwin, YH Hu, CH Chen, T Yen
US Patent 9,566,004, 2017
A hand speed–duty cycle equation for estimating the ACGIH hand activity level rating
O Akkas, DP Azari, CHE Chen, YH Hu, SS Ulin, TJ Armstrong, D Rempel, ...
Ergonomics 58 (2), 184-194, 2015
Real-time realisation of noise-immune gradient-based edge detector
PY Hsiao, CH Chen, H Wen, SJ Chen
IEE Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques 153 (4), 261-269, 2006
An FPGA architecture design of parameter-adaptive real-time image processing system for edge detection
PY Hsiao, LT Li, CH Chen, SW Chen, SJ Chen
Conference, Emerging Information Technology 2005., 3 pp., 2005
A motion tracking system for hand activity assessment
CH Chen, YH Hu, RG Radwin
Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP), 2014 IEEE China Summit …, 2014
Evaluation of simulated clinical breast exam motion patterns using marker-less video tracking
DP Azari, CM Pugh, S Laufer, C Kwan, CH Chen, TY Yen, YH Hu, ...
Human factors 58 (3), 427-440, 2016
The accuracy of conventional 2D video for quantifying upper limb kinematics in repetitive motion occupational tasks
CH Chen, DP Azari, YH Hu, MJ Lindstrom, D Thelen, TY Yen, RG Radwin
Ergonomics 58 (12), 2057-2066, 2015
Detection and Recognition of Alert Traffic Signs
CH Chen, M Chen, T Gao
Stanford University, 2008
Edge detection on the Bayer pattern
CH Chen, SJ Chen, PY Hsiao
APCCAS 2006-2006 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, 1132-1135, 2006
Evaluation of hands-on clinical exam performance using marker-less video tracking
DP Azari, CM Pugh, S Laufer, E Cohen, C Kwan, CH Chen, TY Yen, ...
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
Vision-Based Human Hand Activity Monitoring and Assessment
CH Chen
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014
An equation for estimating hand activity level based on measured hand speed and duty cycle
O Akas, D Azari, CH Chen, YH Hu, TJ Armstrong, SS Ulin, RG Radwin
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 58 (1 …, 2014
An FPGA Implementation of the Fast Minimum-Redundancy Prefix Coding
CHE Chen
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Articles 1–17