Leslie Kwakye
Leslie Kwakye
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Altered auditory and multisensory temporal processing in autism spectrum disorders
LD Kwakye, JH Foss-Feig, CJ Cascio, WL Stone, MT Wallace
Frontiers in integrative neuroscience 4, 129, 2011
An extended multisensory temporal binding window in autism spectrum disorders
JH Foss-Feig, LD Kwakye, CJ Cascio, CP Burnette, H Kadivar, WL Stone, ...
Experimental brain research 203, 381-389, 2010
Multisensory speech perception in children with autism spectrum disorders
TG Woynaroski, LD Kwakye, JH Foss-Feig, RA Stevenson, WL Stone, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 43, 2891-2902, 2013
Brief report: Differences in multisensory integration covary with sensory responsiveness in children with and without autism spectrum disorder
JI Feldman, W Kuang, JG Conrad, A Tu, P Santapuram, DM Simon, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 49, 397-403, 2019
Visual distractors disrupt audiovisual integration regardless of stimulus complexity
KD Gibney, E Aligbe, BA Eggleston, SR Nunes, WG Kerkhoff, CL Dean, ...
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 11, 1, 2017
Auditory and visual distractors disrupt multisensory temporal acuity in the crossmodal temporal order judgment task
CL Dean, BA Eggleston, KD Gibney, E Aligbe, M Blackwell, LD Kwakye
PLoS One 12 (7), e0179564, 2017
Audiovisual integration varies with target and environment richness in immersive virtual reality
HD Bailey, AB Mullaney, KD Gibney, LD Kwakye
Multisensory Research 31 (7), 689-713, 2018
Increases in sensory noise predict attentional disruptions to audiovisual speech perception
VL Fisher, CL Dean, CS Nave, EV Parkins, WG Kerkhoff, LD Kwakye
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16, 1027335, 2023
Multisensory speech perception in high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders
TG Woynaroski, LD Kwakye, JH Foss-Feig, RA Stevenson, WL Stone, ...
J Autism Dev Disord. doi: JADD-D-12-00456R1, 2013
Integration of Attended Visual Stimuli Influence Ambiguous Auditory Rhythm Perception
S Ibragimova, M Otsuki, S Luo, L Kwakye, A Orozco, J Goldberg
Neural Mechanisms of Multisensory Attention: Impacts on Speech Perception
J Goldberg, L Kwakye, A Orozco, A Barana, D Liberatore, E Ade, ...
Music and the Mind: the Influence Of Musical Experience On Multisensory Integration and Attention
D Scurry, M Huang, G Hosein, L Kwakye
Bayesian causal inference modeling of attentional effects on the temporal binding window of multisensory integration
LD Kwakye, V Fisher, M Jackson, O Jung-Beeman
Journal of Vision 19 (10), 19-19, 2019
An Electroencephalography Investigation of the Differential Effects of Visual versus Auditory Attention on Crossmodal Temporal Acuity
L Kwakye, K Hirabayashi, Z Barnes-Scott, S Papadakis
Journal of Vision 18 (10), 1142-1142, 2018
Seeing is Hearing: Integration of attended visual stimuli influence ambiguous auditory rhythm perception
L Kwakye, K Taylor, M DiBiase, J Rodriguez
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 150-150, 2016
Audio-visual Integration Varies with Realism of Stimulus Presentation in More Realistic Virtual Environments: Towards a Naturalistic Model of Multisensory Integration
H Bailey, AB Mullaney, KD Gibney, L Kwakye
The neural correlates of multisensory temporal processing in an audiovisual steady-state electroencephalogram task
S Russ, E Aligbe, L Kwakye
The development of audiovisual crossmodal attentional cueing
K Schmittgen, C Vilter, L Kwakye
Temporal multisensory processing and its relationship to autistic functioning
LD Kwakye, BC Schneider, MT Wallace
i-Perception 2 (8), 759-759, 2011
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Articles 1–19