Hedvig Skirgård
Hedvig Skirgård
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Global predictors of language endangerment and the future of linguistic diversity
L Bromham, R Dinnage, H Skirgård, A Ritchie, M Cardillo, F Meakins, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 6 (2), 163-173, 2022
Grambank reveals the importance of genealogical constraints on linguistic diversity and highlights the impact of language loss
H Skirgård, HJ Haynie, DE Blasi, H Hammarström, J Collins, JJ Latarche, ...
Science Advances 9 (16), eadg6175, 2023
CHIELD: the causal hypotheses in evolutionary linguistics database
SG Roberts, A Killin, A Deb, C Sheard, SJ Greenhill, K Sinnemäki, ...
Journal of language evolution 5 (2), 101-120, 2020
Why are some languages confused for others? Investigating data from the Great Language Game
H Skirgård, SG Roberts, L Yencken
PloS one 12 (4), e0165934, 2017
Societies of strangers do not speak less complex languages
O Shcherbakova, SM Michaelis, HJ Haynie, S Passmore, V Gast, RD Gray, ...
Science Advances 9 (33), eadf7704, 2023
Français Tirailleur Pidgin: A corpus study
H Skirgård
Stockholm: Stockholm University, MA thesis, 2013
Ger Reesink, Ruth Singer, Claire Bowern, Patience Epps, Jane Hill, Outi Vesakoski, Martine Robbeets, Noor Karolin Abbas, Daniel Auer, Nancy A
H Skirgård, HJ Haynie, DE Blasi, H Hammarström, J Collins, JJ Latarche, ...
Societies of strangers do not speak grammatically simpler languages
O Shcherbakova, SM Michaelis, HJ Haynie, S Passmore, V Gast, RD Gray, ...
Preprint. DOI 10, 2023
Grambank v1. 0
H Skirgård, HJ Haynie, H Hammarström, R Barlow, DE Blasi, J Collins, ...
Version v1. 0. Dataset, 2023
glottospace: R package for language mapping and geospatial analysis of linguistic and cultural data
S Norder, L Becker, H Skirgård, L Arias, A Witzlack-Makarevich, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (77), 4303, 2022
Overlooked data in typological databases: What grambank teaches us about gaps in grammars
J Lesage, HJ Haynie, H Skirgård, T Weber, A Witzlack-Makarevich
13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), 2884-2890, 2022
A quantitative global test of the complexity trade-off hypothesis: the case of nominal and verbal grammatical marking
O Shcherbakova, V Gast, DE Blasi, H Skirgård, RD Gray, SJ Greenhill
Linguistics Vanguard 9 (s1), 155-167, 2023
The evolutionary dynamics of how languages signal who does what to whom
O Shcherbakova, DE Blasi, V Gast, H Skirgård, RD Gray, SJ Greenhill
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 7259, 2024
Multilevel dynamics of language diversity and disparity in Oceania.
H Skirgård
School of Culture, History and Language, College of Asia-Pacific, Australian …, 2021
Multilevel dynamics of language diversity in Oceania
H SkirgÅrd
PhD DissertationCanberra: Australian National University, 2020
Disentangling Ancestral State Reconstruction in historical linguistics: Comparing classic approaches and new methods using Oceanic grammar
H Skirgård
Diachronica, 2024
Finns det dubbelnegation i svenska dialekter?: -inte...e i två Hälsingemål.
H Skirgård
Institutionen för Lingvistik, Stockholms Universitet, 2010
Grambank’s typological advances support computational research on diverse languages
HJ Haynie, D Blasi, H Skirgård, SJ Greenhill, QD Atkinson, RD Gray
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Research in Computational Linguistic …, 2023
Polysemy of the Perfect-the case of Swedish
H Skirgård
Unpublished term paper, available here: https://www. academia. edu/5045648 …, 2013
Author Correction: The evolutionary dynamics of how languages signal who does what to whom
O Shcherbakova, DE Blasi, V Gast, H Skirgård, RD Gray, SJ Greenhill
Scientific Reports 14, 17685, 2024
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Articles 1–20