Katerina Palasis
Katerina Palasis
Associate Professor of Linguistics, Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, BCL, France
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Syntaxe générative et acquisition: le sujet dans le développement du système linguistique du jeune enfant
K Palasis
Nice, 2009
Subject clitics and preverbal negation in European French: Variation, acquisition, diatopy and diachrony
K Palasis
Lingua 161, 125-143, 2015
Exclusivity! Wh-fronting is not optional wh-movement in Colloquial French
R Faure, K Palasis
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 39, 57-95, 2021
The case for diglossia: Describing the emergence of two grammars in the early acquisition of metropolitan French
K Palasis
Journal of French Language Studies 23 (1), 17-35, 2013
Impersonal constructions in northern Occitan
GA Kaiser, M Oliviéri, K Palasis
Clitic pronouns
D Heap, M Oliviéri, K Palasis
Manual of Romance morphosyntax and syntax 17, 183-229, 2017
Understanding the distributed practice effect and its relevance for the teaching and learning of L2 vocabulary
A Edmonds, E Gerbier, K Palasis, S Whyte
Lexis. Journal in English Lexicology, 2021
Explaining variation in wh-position in child French: A statistical analysis of new seminaturalistic data
K Palasis, R Faure, F Lavigne
Language acquisition 26 (2), 210-234, 2019
Problèmes d'acquisition et le Paramètre du Sujet Nul
K Palasis
Mémoire de Master, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 2005
Quand la dialectologie, la diachronie et l’acquisition se parlent: Étude comparative des pronoms sujets en occitan et en français
M Oliviéri, G Kaiser, K Palasis, M Zimmermann, R Faure
Colloque international SyMiLa 2015: La Microvariation syntaxique dans les …, 2015
Introducing new French child data: Thoughts on their gathering and coding
K Palasis
Corpus, 33-51, 2010
Electrophysiological differences in older and younger adults’ anaphoric but not cataphoric pronoun processing in the absence of age-related behavioural slowdown
S Arslan, K Palasis, F Meunier
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 19234, 2020
Wh-in-situ in child French: Deictic triggers at the syntax-semantics interface
K Palasis, R Faure, F Meunier
Journal of French Language Studies 33 (3), 273-298, 2023
Français spontané et français normé: bien plus que deux variétés d'un même français. Implications acquisitionnelles et didactiques
K Palasis, O Bertrand, I Schaffner
Variétés, variations & formes du français, 55-72, 2011
On the variable morpho-syntactic status of the French subject clitics
K Palasis, GA Kaiser, EM Remberger
Null-subjects, Expletives and Locatives in Romance, 47-62, 2009
Economy principles within child speech: when the nominative clitic does not surface
K Palasis
The Romance Turn IV Workshop on the Acquisition of Romance Languages, 261-283, 2010
Beyond Deficiency: Reconsidering the Null Subject Phenomenon
K Palasis, M Oliviéri
The Acquisition of Romance Languages, 127-143, 2007
From morphological affixes to syntactic arguments: What forces children to reinterpret nominative French clitics
K Palasis
Going Romance XXIII, 2009
ESPACE L2: exploring spacing effects in explicit and implicit online learning of L2 English
S Whyte, A Edmonds, K Palasis, E Gerbier
Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data: short papers from …, 2022
Grammatical and interpretive constraints on the development of wh-questions in L1 French
K Palasis, R Faure
The Romance Turn VI, 2014
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Articles 1–20