Jeff Prince
Jeff Prince
Harold A. Poling Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, Indiana University
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Managerial economics and business strategy
MR Baye, JT Prince
McGraw-Hill, 2014
Internet adoption and usage patterns are different: Implications for the digital divide
A Goldfarb, J Prince
Information economics and policy 20 (1), 2-15, 2008
Are risk preferences stable across contexts? evidence from insurance data
L Barseghyan, J Prince, J Teitelbaum
American Economic Review, Vol. 101, No. 2, pp. 591-631, 2011, 2011
Multimarket contact and service quality: Evidence from on-time performance in the US airline industry
JT Prince, DH Simon
The Academy of Management Journal ARCHIVE 52 (2), 336-354, 2009
The Diffusion of the Internet and the Geography of the Digital Divide
S Greenstein, J Prince
Oxford Handbook on ICTs, 2007
Do incumbents improve service quality in response to entry? Evidence from airlines' on-time performance
JT Prince, DH Simon
Management Science 61 (2), 372-390, 2015
Does service bundling reduce churn?
J Prince, S Greenstein
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 23 (4), 839-875, 2014
How much is privacy worth around the world and across platforms?
JT Prince, S Wallsten
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 31 (4), 841-861, 2022
The impact of mergers on quality provision: Evidence from the airline industry
JT Prince, DH Simon
The Journal of Industrial Economics 65 (2), 336-362, 2017
Distinguishing bandwidth and latency in households’ willingness-to-pay for broadband internet speed
YH Liu, J Prince, S Wallsten
Information Economics and Policy 45, 1-15, 2018
The welfare impact of reducing choice in Medicare Part D: A comparison of two regulation strategies
C Lucarelli, J Prince, K Simon
International Economic Review 53 (4), 1155-1177, 2012
Measuring consumer preferences for video content provision via cord‐cutting behavior
J Prince, S Greenstein
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 26 (2), 293-317, 2017
Indirect network effects and the quality dimension: A look at the gaming industry
JH Kim, J Prince, C Qiu
International Journal of Industrial Organization 37, 99-108, 2014
Repeat purchase amid rapid quality improvement: Structural estimation of demand for personal computers
JT Prince
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 17 (1), 1-33, 2008
Information technology and patient health: analyzing outcomes, populations, and mechanisms
S Freedman, H Lin, J Prince
American Journal of Health Economics 4 (1), 51-79, 2018
The beginning of online/retail competition and its origins: An application to personal computers
JT Prince
International Journal of Industrial Organization 25 (1), 139-156, 2007
The impact of the partnership long-term care insurance program on private coverage
H Lin, J Prince
Journal of Health Economics 32 (6), 1205-1213, 2013
Is Dual Agency in Real Estate Transactions a Cause for Concern?
V Kadiyali, JT Prince, DH Simon
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2014
The empirical economics of online attention
A Boik, S Greenstein, J Prince
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016
The effect of competition on toxic pollution releases
DH Simon, JT Prince
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 79, 40-54, 2016
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Articles 1–20