Fernando Benites
Fernando Benites
Lecturer, FHNW School of Engineering
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Cited by
Haram: a hierarchical aram neural network for large-scale text classification
F Benites, E Sapozhnikova
2015 IEEE international conference on data mining workshop (ICDMW), 847-854, 2015
Multi-label classification and extracting predicted class hierarchies
F Brucker, F Benites, E Sapozhnikova
Pattern Recognition 44 (3), 724-738, 2011
Best practices in e-assessments with a special focus on cheating prevention
D Von Gruenigen, FBA e Souza, B Pradarelli, A Magid, M Cieliebak
2018 IEEE global engineering education conference (EDUCON), 893-899, 2018
Evaluation of hierarchical interestingness measures for mining pairwise generalized association rules
F Benites, E Sapozhnikova
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 26 (12), 3012-3025, 2014
Improving scalability of ART neural networks
F Benites, E Sapozhnikova
Neurocomputing 230, 219-229, 2017
An empirical comparison of flat and hierarchical performance measures for multi-label classification with hierarchy extraction
F Brucker, F Benites, E Sapozhnikova
Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 15th …, 2011
Mining rare associations between biological ontologies
F Benites, S Simon, E Sapozhnikova
PloS one 9 (1), e84475, 2014
Classifying patent applications with ensemble methods
F Benites, S Malmasi, M Zampieri
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.04695, 2018
CEASR: a corpus for evaluating automatic speech recognition
MA Ulasik, M Hürlimann, F Germann, E Gedik, F Benites, M Cieliebak
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference …, 2020
spMMMP at GermEval 2018 Shared Task: Classification of Offensive Content in Tweets using Convolutional Neural Networks and Gated Recurrent Units
D von Grunigen, R Grubenmann, F Benites, P von Däniken, M Cieliebak
Proceedings of GermEval 2018, 14th Conference on Natural Language Processing …, 2018
Twist Bytes-German dialect identification with data mining optimization
F Benites, R Grubenmann, P Von Däniken, D Von Gruenigen, JM Deriu, ...
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties …, 2018
Twistbytes-identification of cuneiform languages and german dialects at vardial 2019
F Benites de Azevedo e Souza, P Von Däniken, M Cieliebak
6th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects, VarDial …, 2019
Hierarchical interestingness measures for association rules with generalization on both antecedent and consequent sides
F Benites, E Sapozhnikova
Pattern Recognition Letters 65, 197-203, 2015
Learning different concept hierarchies and the relations between them from classified data
F Benites, E Sapozhnikova
Data Mining: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 125-141, 2013
Multi-Label Classification by ART-based Neural Networks and Hierarchy Extraction
F Benites de Azevedo e Souza, F Brucker, E Sapozhnikova
Neural Networks (IJCNN), The 2010 International Joint Conference on, 2788-2796, 2010
Design patterns for resource-constrained automated deep-learning methods
L Tuggener, M Amirian, F Benites, P von Däniken, P Gupta, FP Schilling, ...
AI 1 (4), 510-538, 2020
Zhaw-init at germeval 2020 task 4: Low-resource speech-to-text
M Büchi, MA Ulasik, M Hürlimann, F Benites de Azevedo e Souza, ...
5th SwissText & 16th KONVENS Joint Conference, Zurich (online), 24-25 June 2020, 2020
TwistBytes--Hierarchical Classification at GermEval 2019: walking the fine line (of recall and precision)
F Benites
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.06493, 2019
The reader's feeling and text-based emotions: the relationship between subjective self-reports, lexical ratings, and sentiment analysis
E Werlen, C Imhof, F Benites, PB Bergamin
SwissText 2019, Winterthur, 18-19 June 2019, 2019
Using Semantic Data Mining for Classification Improvement and Knowledge Extraction.
F Benites, EP Sapozhnikova
LWA, 150-155, 2014
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Articles 1–20