Institute of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Shenzhen University
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The roles of initial trust and perceived risk in public’s acceptance of automated vehicles
T Zhang, D Tao, X Qu, X Zhang, R Lin, W Zhang
Transportation Research Part C 98, 207–220, 2019
Automated vehicle acceptance in China: Social influence and initial trust are key determinants
T Zhang, D Tao, X Qu, X Zhang, J Zeng, H Zhu, H Zhu
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 112, 220-233, 2020
Understanding consumer acceptance of healthcare wearable devices: An integrated model of UTAUT and TTF
H Wang, D Tao*, N Yu, X Qu
International Journal of Medical Informatics, 104156, 2020
The roles of trust, personalization, loss of privacy, and anthropomorphism in public acceptance of smart healthcare services
K Liu, D Tao*
Computers in Human Behavior 127, 107026, 2022
A Systematic Review of Physiological Measures of Mental Workload
D Tao, H Tan, H Wang, X Zhang, X Qu, T Zhang
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (15), 2716, 2019
A systematic review and meta-analysis of user acceptance of consumer-oriented health information technologies
D Tao, T Wang, T Wang, T Zhang, X Zhang, X Qu
Computers in Human Behavior 104, 106147, 2020
The role of personality traits and driving experience in self-reported risky driving behaviors and accident risk among Chinese drivers
Da Tao, Rui Zhang, Xingda Qu
Accident Analysis and Prevention 99, 228-235, 2017
Key Characteristics in Designing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for User Acceptance: An Application of the Extended Technology Acceptance Model
D Tao, P Fu, Y Wang, T Zhang, X Qu
Interactive Learning Environments 30 (5), 882-895, 2022
Usability study of a computer-based self-management system for older adults with chronic diseases
C Or, D Tao
JMIR Research Protocols 1 (2), e13, 2012
Does the use of consumer health information technology improve outcomes in the patient self-management of diabetes? A meta-analysis and narrative review of randomized …
CKL Or, D Tao
International Journal of Medical Informatics 83 (5), 320-329, 2014
A meta-analysis of the use of electronic reminders for patient adherence to medication in chronic disease care
D Tao*, L Xie, T Wang, T Wang
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 21 (1), 3-13, 2015
Integrating usability and social cognitive theories with the technology acceptance model to understand young users’ acceptance of a health information portal
D Tao, F Shao, H Wang, M Yan, X Qu
Health Informatics Journal 26 (2), 1347–1362, 2020
Effects of self-management health information technology on glycaemic control for patients with diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
D Tao, CKL Or
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 19 (3), 133-143, 2013
The association between sensation seeking and driving outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
X Zhang, X Qu, D Tao, H Xue
Accident Analysis & Prevention 123, 222-234, 2019
Effects of button design characteristics on performance and perceptions of touchscreen use
Da Tao, Juan Yuan, Shuang Liu, Xingda Qu
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 64, 59–68, 2018
What drives people to use automated vehicles? A meta-analytic review
T Zhang, W Zeng, Y Zhang, D Tao, G Li, X Qu
Accident Analysis & Prevention 159, 106270, 2021
A 3-month randomized controlled pilot trial of a patient-centered, computer-based self-monitoring system for the care of type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension
C Or, D Tao
Journal of Medical Systems 40 (4), 81, 2016
Driving anger, aberrant driving behaviors, and road crash risk: testing of a mediated model
T Zhang, AHS Chan, H Xue, X Zhang, D Tao
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (3), 297, 2019
The Determinants of User Acceptance of Mobile Medical Platforms: An Investigation Integrating the TPB, TAM, and Patient-Centered Factors
H Wang, J Zhang, Y Luximon, M Qin, P Geng, D Tao*
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (17), 10758, 2022
Factors affecting consumer acceptance of an online health information portal among young internet users
D Tao, J Yuan, F Shao, D Li, Q Zhou, X Qu
CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing 36 (11), 530-539, 2018
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