Victor Chahuneau
Victor Chahuneau
Graduate research assistant, Carnegie Mellon University
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Cited by
A simple, fast, and effective reparameterization of IBM Model 2
C Dyer, V Chahuneau, NA Smith
NAACL/HLT 2013, 644-648, 2013
Narrative framing of consumer sentiment in online restaurant reviews
D Jurafsky, V Chahuneau, BR Routledge, NA Smith
First Monday, 2014
Translating into morphologically rich languages with synthetic phrases
V Chahuneau, E Schlinger, NA Smith, C Dyer
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2013
Linguistic markers of status in food culture: Bourdieu’s distinction in a menu corpus
D Jurafsky, V Chahuneau, B Routledge, N Smith
Journal of Cultural Analytics 1 (1), 2016
Word Salad: Relating Food Prices and Descriptions
V Chahuneau, K Gimpel, BR Routledge, L Scherlis, NA Smith
EMNLP, 2012
Identifying the L1 of non-native writers: the CMU-Haifa system
Y Tsvetkov, N Twitto, N Schneider, N Ordan, M Faruqui, V Chahuneau, ...
NAACL/HLT 2013, 279, 2013
The CMU Machine Translation Systems at WMT 2013: Syntax, Synthetic Translation Options, and Pseudo-References
W Ammar, M Denkowski, V Chahuneau, G Hanneman, W Ling, ...
ACL 2013 Eighth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 2013
Knowledge-Rich Morphological Priors for Bayesian Language Models
V Chahuneau, NA Smith, C Dyer
NAACL/HLT 2013, 2013
pycdec: A Python Interface to cdec
V Chahuneau, NA Smith, C Dyer
The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics 98, 51-61, 2012
morphogen: Translation into Morphologically Rich Languages with Synthetic Phrases.
E Schlinger, V Chahuneau, C Dyer
Prague Bull. Math. Linguistics 100, 51-62, 2013
Faster unsupervised morphology induction
V Chahuneau, P Schulam, P Gadde
Technical report, School of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, 2013
Word Salad: Relating Food Prices and Descriptions Supplementary Material
V Chahuneau, K Gimpel, BR Routledge, L Scherlis, NA Smith
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Articles 1–12