Jack Glaser
Jack Glaser
Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley
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Political conservatism as motivated social cognition
JT Jost, J Glaser, FJ Sulloway, AW Kruglanski
The motivated mind, 129-204, 2018
The existence of implicit bias is beyond reasonable doubt: A refutation of ideological and methodological objections and executive summary of ten studies that no manager should …
JT Jost, LA Rudman, IV Blair, DR Carney, N Dasgupta, J Glaser, ...
Research in organizational behavior 29, 39-69, 2009
Exceptions that prove the rule--Using a theory of motivated social cognition to account for ideological incongruities and political anomalies: Reply to Greenberg and Jonas (2003).
JT Jost, J Glaser, AW Kruglanski, FJ Sulloway
American Psychological Association 129 (3), 383, 2003
From lynching to gay bashing: the elusive connection between economic conditions and hate crime.
DP Green, J Glaser, A Rich
Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (1), 82, 1998
Studying hate crime with the internet: What makes racists advocate racial violence?
J Glaser, J Dixit, DP Green
Journal of Social Issues 58 (1), 177-193, 2002
Implicit motivation to control prejudice
J Glaser, ED Knowles
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (1), 164-172, 2008
When fair is foul and foul is fair: reverse priming in automatic evaluation.
J Glaser, MR Banaji
Journal of personality and social psychology 77 (4), 669, 1999
Implicit bias and policing
KB Spencer, AK Charbonneau, J Glaser
Social and personality psychology compass 10 (1), 50-63, 2016
Suspect race: Causes and consequences of racial profiling
J Glaser
Oxford University Press, USA, 2015
The science of justice: Race, arrests, and police use of force
PA Goff, TS Lloyd, AB Geller, S Raphael, J Glaser
Center for Policing Equity, 2016
Affect in electoral politics
J Glaser, P Salovey
Personality and social psychology review 2 (3), 156-172, 1998
Emotion and prejudice: Specific emotions toward outgroups
MP Tapias, J Glaser, D Keltner, K Vasquez, T Wickens
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 10 (1), 27-39, 2007
Compensatory automaticity: Unconscious volition is not an oxymoron
J Glaser, JF Kihlstrom
The new unconscious, 171-195, 2005
Implicit motivation to control prejudice moderates the effect of cognitive depletion on unintended discrimination
SH Park, J Glaser, ED Knowles
Social Cognition 26 (4), 401-419, 2008
Voter affect and the 2008 US presidential election: Hope and race mattered
C Finn, J Glaser
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 10 (1), 262-275, 2010
Implicit attitudes.
IV Blair, N Dasgupta, J Glaser
American Psychological Association, 2015
Prejudice, discrimination, and the Internet
J Glaser, KB Kahn
The social net: Understanding human behavior in cyberspace, 247-274, 2005
Intergroup bias and inequity: Legitimizing beliefs and policy attitudes
J Glaser
Social Justice Research 18, 257-282, 2005
Racial bias and public policy
J Glaser, K Spencer, A Charbonneau
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1), 88-94, 2014
The efficacy and effect of racial profiling: A mathematical simulation approach
J Glaser
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: The Journal of the Association …, 2006
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Articles 1–20