Chrysa Collyda
Chrysa Collyda
Research Assistant, Information Technologies Institute, CERTH, Thessaloniki
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Cited by
Open Innovation in the Big Data Era With the MOVING Platform
I Vagliano, F Günther, M Heinz, A Apaolaza, I Bienia, G Breitfuss, T Blume, ...
IEEE MultiMedia 25 (3), 8-21, 2018
Constructing clinical decision support systems for adverse drug event prevention: a knowledge-based approach
V Koutkias, V Kilintzis, G Stalidis, K Lazou, C Collyda, E Chazard, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2010, 402, 2010
Fuzzy Hidden Markov Models: a new approach in multiple sequence alignment.
C Collyda, S Diplaris, PA Mitkas, N Maglaveras, C Pappas
Studies in health technology and informatics 124, 99, 2006
A Web Service for Video Summarization
C Collyda, K Apostolidis, E Apostolidis, E Adamantidou, AI Metsai, ...
ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 148-153, 2020
VideoAnalysis4ALL: An On-line Tool for the Automatic Fragmentation and Concept-based Annotation, and the Interactive Exploration of Videos
C Collyda, E Apostolidis, A Pournaras, F Markatopoulou, V Mezaris, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on International Conference on Multimedia …, 2017
Enhancing the quality of phylogenetic analysis using fuzzy hidden Markov model alignments
C Collyda, S Diplaris, P Mitkas, N Maglaveras, C Pappas
Medinfo 2007: Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical …, 2007
A web-based tool for fast instance-level labeling of videos and the creation of spatiotemporal media fragments
A Ioannidou, E Apostolidis, C Collyda, V Mezaris
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76 (2), 1735-1774, 2017
MOVING: A User-Centric Platform for Online Literacy Training and Learning
A Apaolaza, T Backes, S Barthold, I Bienia, T Blume, C Collyda, A Fessl, ...
e-Science, 77, 2021
MOVING: Training Towards a Society of Data-savvy Information Professionals
A Scherp, D Pscheida, M Wiese, C Nishioka, T Köhler, A Maas, C Collyda, ...
Google Scholar Find in text, 2017
Deliverable 2.4: Open innovation systems state-of-the-art and beyond
I Bienia, G Breitfuss, C Collyda, A Fessl, S Gottfried, F Guenther, M Heinz, ...
TraininG towards a society of data-saVvy inforMation prOfessionals to enable open leadership INnovation
C Collyda, V Mezaris, S Herbst, P Grunewaldm, T Köhler, A Fessl, ...
Constructing Clinical Decision Support Systems for Adverse Drug Event Prevention: A Knowledge-based Approach
N Maglaveras, R Beuscart, P Nair, V Kilintzis, V Koutkias, E Chazard, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium, 2015
Constructing Clinical Decision Support Systems for Adverse Drug Event Prevention
V Koutkias, A Lazou, C Collyda, N Magklaveras, V Kilintzis, R Beuscart, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2010
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Articles 1–13