Peter Ohler
Peter Ohler
Managing Director of Institute for Media Research, Chair of Media Psychology, TU Chemnitz
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Cited by
Venturing into the uncanny valley of mind—The influence of mind attribution on the acceptance of human-like characters in a virtual reality setting
JP Stein, P Ohler
Cognition 160, 43-50, 2017
Kognitive Filmpsychologie: Verarbeitung und mentale Repräsentation narrativer Filme
P Ohler
MAkS Publikationen Münster, 1994
Every (Insta) Gram counts? Applying cultivation theory to explore the effects of Instagram on young users’ body image.
JP Stein, E Krause, P Ohler
Psychology of popular media 10 (1), 87, 2021
The impact of media literacy on children's learning from films and hypermedia
AK Diergarten, T Möckel, G Nieding, P Ohler
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 48, 33-41, 2017
Stay back, clever thing! Linking situational control and human uniqueness concerns to the aversion against autonomous technology
JP Stein, B Liebold, P Ohler
Computers in Human Behavior 95, 73-82, 2019
Why play? An evolutionary perspective
P Ohler, G Nieding
Playing Video Games, 115-130, 2012
Matter over mind? How the acceptance of digital entities depends on their appearance, mental prowess, and the interaction between both
JP Stein, M Appel, A Jost, P Ohler
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 142, 102463, 2020
Transmedia Critical| Limitations of Transmedia Storytelling for Children: A Cognitive Developmental Analysis
D Pietschmann, S Völkel, P Ohler
International Journal of Communication 8, 22, 2014
Cognitive modeling of suspense-inducing structures in narrative films
P Ohler, G Nieding
Suspense, 129-147, 2013
Lernen mit Medien
G Nieding, P Ohler, GD Rey
UTB, 2015
Was läßt sich beim Computerspielen lernen
P Ohler, G Nieding
Computerunterstütztes Lernen, 188-215, 2000
Quid pro quo in Web 2.0. Connecting personality traits and Facebook usage intensity to uncivil commenting intentions in public online discussions
K Koban, JP Stein, V Eckhardt, P Ohler
Computers in Human Behavior 79, 9-18, 2018
Mediennutzung und Medienwirkung bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
G Nieding, P Ohler
Medienpsychologie, 379-400, 2008
Compensatory video gaming. Gaming behaviours and adverse outcomes and the moderating role of stress, social interaction anxiety, and loneliness
K Koban, J Biehl, J Bornemeier, P Ohler
Behaviour & Information Technology 41 (13), 2727-2744, 2022
Continuous measurement of breaks in presence: psychophysiology and orienting responses
B Liebold, M Brill, D Pietschmann, F Schwab, P Ohler
Media Psychology 20 (3), 477-501, 2017
The effect of authentic input devices on computer game immersion
D Pietschmann, G Valtin, P Ohler
Computer games and new media cultures: A handbook of digital games studies …, 2012
Kognitive Modellierung der Textverarbeitung und der Informationssuche im World Wide Web
P Ohler, G Nieding
Batinic, Bernard (Hg.): Internet für Psychologen. Göttingen, 2000
An evolutionary perspective on entertainment
P Ohler, G Nieding
Psychology of entertainment, 423-433, 2013
Cognitive processing of film cuts among 4-to 8-year-old children
C Munk, GD Rey, AK Diergarten, G Nieding, W Schneider, P Ohler
European Psychologist, 2012
Kognitive Filmpsychologie zwischen 1990 und 2000
P Ohler, G Nieding
Schüren 10, 9-40, 2002
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Articles 1–20