Joshua Blumenstock
Joshua Blumenstock
Chancellor’s Associate Professor, U.C. Berkeley
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Cited by
Translation of microarray data into clinically relevant cancer diagnostic tests using gene expression ratios in lung cancer and mesothelioma
GJ Gordon, RV Jensen, LL Hsiao, SR Gullans, JE Blumenstock, ...
Cancer research 62 (17), 4963-4967, 2002
Predicting poverty and wealth from mobile phone metadata
J Blumenstock, G Cadamuro, R On
Science 350 (6264), 1073-1076, 2015
Size matters: word count as a measure of quality on wikipedia
JE Blumenstock
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, 1095-1096, 2008
Mapping poverty using mobile phone and satellite data
JE Steele, PR Sundsøy, C Pezzulo, VA Alegana, TJ Bird, J Blumenstock, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 14 (127), 20160690, 2017
Airtime Transfers and Mobile Communications: Evidence in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters
J Blumenstock, N Eagle, M Fafchamps
Journal of Development Economics, 2016
Predicting student dropout in higher education
L Aulck, N Velagapudi, J Blumenstock, J West
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.06364, 2016
Inferring patterns of internal migration from mobile phone call records: evidence from Rwanda
JE Blumenstock
Information Technology for Development 18 (2), 107-125, 2012
Using gene expression ratios to predict outcome among patients with mesothelioma
GJ Gordon, RV Jensen, LL Hsiao, SR Gullans, JE Blumenstock, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 95 (8), 598-605, 2003
Microestimates of wealth for all low-and middle-income countries
G Chi, H Fang, S Chatterjee, JE Blumenstock
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (3), e2113658119, 2022
Mobile divides: gender, socioeconomic status, and mobile phone use in Rwanda
J Blumenstock, N Eagle
Proceedings of the 4th ACM/IEEE international conference on information and …, 2010
Machine learning and phone data can improve targeting of humanitarian aid
E Aiken, S Bellue, D Karlan, C Udry, JE Blumenstock
Nature 603 (7903), 864-870, 2022
Why do defaults affect behavior? Experimental evidence from Afghanistan
J Blumenstock, M Callen, T Ghani
American Economic Review 108 (10), 2868-2901, 2018
Fighting poverty with data
JE Blumenstock
Science 353 (6301), 753-754, 2016
Divided we call: disparities in access and use of mobile phones in Rwanda
JE Blumenstock, N Eagle
Information Technologies & International Development 8 (2), pp. 1-16, 2012
Migration and the Value of Social Networks
J Blumenstock, G Chi, X Tan
Promises and pitfalls of mobile money in Afghanistan: evidence from a randomized control trial
JE Blumenstock, M Callen, T Ghani, L Koepke
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on information and …, 2015
Public mobility data enables COVID-19 forecasting and management at local and global scales
C Ilin, S Annan-Phan, XH Tai, S Mehra, S Hsiang, JE Blumenstock
Scientific reports 11 (1), 13531, 2021
Can human development be measured with satellite imagery?
A Head, M Manguin, N Tran, JE Blumenstock
Ictd 17, 16-19, 2017
Digital credit: A snapshot of the current landscape and open research questions
E Francis, J Blumenstock, J Robinson
CEGA White Paper, 1739-76, 2017
The strength of long-range ties in population-scale social networks
PS Park, JE Blumenstock, MW Macy
Science 362 (6421), 1410-1413, 2018
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Articles 1–20