Tarmo K Remmel
Tarmo K Remmel
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On the role of spatial stochastic models in understanding landscape indices in ecology
MJ Fortin, B Boots, F Csillag, TK Remmel
Oikos 102 (1), 203-212, 2003
Exploring spatial variety in patterns of activity-travel behaviour: initial results from the Toronto Travel-Activity Panel Survey (TTAPS)
RN Buliung, MJ Roorda, TK Remmel
Transportation 35, 697-722, 2008
When are two landscape pattern indices significantly different?
TK Remmel, F Csillag
Journal of Geographical Systems 5, 331-351, 2003
Open source, spatial analysis, and activity-travel behaviour research: capabilities of the aspace package
RN Buliung, TK Remmel
Journal of Geographical Systems 10, 191-216, 2008
Fire mapping in a northern boreal forest: assessing AVHRR/NDVI methods of change detection
TK Remmel, AH Perera
Forest Ecology and Management 152 (1-3), 119-129, 2001
Tracking desertification in California using remote sensing: A sand dune encroachment approach
DK Lam, TK Remmel, TD Drezner
Remote Sensing 3 (1), 1-13, 2010
Tree genera classification with geometric features from high-density airborne LiDAR
C Ko, G Sohn, TK Remmel
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (sup1), S73-S85, 2013
Integration of forest inventory and satellite imagery:: a Canadian status assessment and research issues
TK Remmel, F Csillag, S Mitchell, MA Wulder
Forest Ecology and Management 207 (3), 405-428, 2005
Mutual information spectra for comparing categorical maps
TK Remmel, F Csillag
International Journal of Remote Sensing 27 (7), 1425-1452, 2006
Use of vector polygons for the accuracy assessment of pixel-based land cover maps
MA Wulder, JC White, JE Luther, G Strickland, TK Remmel, SW Mitchell
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (3), 268-279, 2006
Distance to second cluster as a measure of classification confidence
SW Mitchell, TK Remmel, F Csillag, MA Wulder
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (5), 2615-2626, 2008
Categorical, class-focused map patterns: characterization and comparison
TK Remmel, MJ Fortin
Landscape ecology 28, 1587-1599, 2013
aspace: A collection of functions for estimating centrographic statistics and computational geometries for spatial point patterns
R Bui, RN Buliung, TK Remmel
R package version 3, 2012
A comparison of existing surficial hydrological data layers in a low-relief forested Ontario landscape with those derived from a LiDAR DEM
TK Remmel, KW Todd, J Buttle
The forestry chronicle 84 (6), 850-865, 2008
Mapping tree genera using discrete LiDAR and geometric tree metrics
C Ko, TK Remmel, G Sohn
Bosque 33 (3), 313-319, 2012
Investigating global and local categorical map configuration comparisons based on coincidence matrices
TK Remmel
Geographical Analysis 41 (2), 144-157, 2009
Accuracy of discontinuous binary surfaces: a case study using boreal forest fires
TK Remmel, AH Perera
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 16 (3), 287-298, 2002
Hybrid ensemble classification of tree genera using airborne LiDAR data
C Ko, G Sohn, TK Remmel, J Miller
Remote Sensing 6 (11), 11225-11243, 2014
Empirical distributions of landscape pattern indices as functions of classified image composition and spatial structure
TK Remmel, F Csillag, SW Mitchell, B Boots
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2002
Computer vision models for comparing spatial patterns: understanding spatial scale
K Malik, C Robertson, SA Roberts, TK Remmel, JA Long
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 37 (1), 1-35, 2023
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Articles 1–20