Jonas Dias
Jonas Dias
Head of Data Science at Evergen
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An algebraic approach for data-centric scientific workflows
E Ogasawara, D de Oliveira, P Valduriez, J Dias, F Porto, M Mattoso
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB) 4 (11), 1328-1339, 2011
Chiron: a parallel engine for algebraic scientific workflows
E Ogasawara, J Dias, V Silva, F Chirigati, D De Oliveira, F Porto, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 25 (16), 2327-2341, 2013
Capturing and querying workflow runtime provenance with PROV: a practical approach
F Costa, V Silva, D De Oliveira, K Ocaña, E Ogasawara, J Dias, M Mattoso
Proceedings of the Joint EDBT/ICDT 2013 Workshops, 282-289, 2013
Dynamic steering of HPC scientific workflows: A survey
M Mattoso, J Dias, KACS Ocana, E Ogasawara, F Costa, F Horta, V Silva, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 46, 100-113, 2015
Supporting dynamic parameter sweep in adaptive and user-steered workflow
J Dias, E Ogasawara, D de Oliveira, F Porto, ALGA Coutinho, M Mattoso
Proceedings of the 6th workshop on Workflows in support of large-scale …, 2011
Performance evaluation of parallel strategies in public clouds: A study with phylogenomic workflows
D De Oliveira, KACS Ocana, E Ogasawara, J Dias, J Gonçalves, F Baiao, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (7), 1816-1825, 2013
Optimizing phylogenetic analysis using scihmm cloud-based scientific workflow
KACS Ocaña, D de Oliveira, J Dias, E Ogasawara, M Mattoso
2011 IEEE Seventh International Conference on eScience, 62-69, 2011
Exploring molecular evolution reconstruction using a parallel cloud based scientific workflow
KACS Ocaña, D de Oliveira, F Horta, J Dias, E Ogasawara, M Mattoso
Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: 7th Brazilian …, 2012
Uncertainty quantification in computational predictive models for fluid dynamics using a workflow management engine
G Guerra, FA Rochinha, R Elias, D De Oliveira, E Ogasawara, JF Dias, ...
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 2 (1), 2012
User-steering of HPC workflows: state-of-the-art and future directions
M Mattoso, K Ocana, F Horta, J Dias, E Ogasawara, V Silva, D de Oliveira, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Scalable Workflow Execution …, 2013
Data-centric iteration in dynamic workflows
J Dias, G Guerra, F Rochinha, ALGA Coutinho, P Valduriez, M Mattoso
Future Generation Computer Systems 46, 114-126, 2015
A performance evaluation of x-ray crystallography scientific workflow using scicumulus
D de Oliveira, K Ocana, E Ogasawara, J Dias, F Baiao, M Mattoso
2011 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 708-715, 2011
Algebraic dataflows for big data analysis
J Dias, E Ogasawara, D De Oliveira, F Porto, P Valduriez, M Mattoso
2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 150-155, 2013
Evaluating parameter sweep workflows in high performance computing
F Chirigati, V Silva, E Ogasawara, D de Oliveira, J Dias, F Porto, ...
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Scalable Workflow Execution …, 2012
Methods and apparatus for analytical processing of provenance data for HPC workflow optimization
AEM Ciarlini, JF Dias, PER Salas
US Patent 10,013,656, 2018
Exploring large scale receptor-ligand pairs in molecular docking workflows in HPC clouds
K Ocaña, S Benza, D De Oliveira, J Dias, M Mattoso
2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2014
Designing a parallel cloud based comparative genomics workflow to improve phylogenetic analyses
KACS Ocaña, D De Oliveira, J Dias, E Ogasawara, M Mattoso
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (8), 2205-2219, 2013
Automatic caching decision for scientific dataflow execution in apache spark
VM Gottin, E Pacheco, J Dias, AEM Ciarlini, B Costa, W Vieira, YM Souto, ...
Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for …, 2018
Uncertainty quantification in numerical simulation of particle-laden flows
GM Guerra, S Zio, JJ Camata, J Dias, RN Elias, M Mattoso, PL B. Paraizo, ...
Computational Geosciences 20, 265-281, 2016
Provenance-based reuse of software code
V Sousa, JF Dias, AB Prado
US Patent 11,474,817, 2022
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Articles 1–20