Yana Volkovich
Cited by
Cited by
Communication dynamics in Twitter during political campaigns: The case of the 2011 Spanish national election
P Aragón, KE Kappler, A Kaltenbrunner, D Laniado, Y Volkovich
Policy & internet 5 (2), 183-206, 2013
Core Decomposition of Uncertain Graphs
F Bonchi, F Gullo, A Kaltenbrunner, Y Volkovich
KDD 2014: The 20th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2014
When the Wikipedians talk: network and tree structure of Wikipedia discussion pages
D Laniado, R Tasso, Y Volkovich, A Kaltenbrunner
ICWSM-11 - 5th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media …, 2011
On the Accuracy of Hyper-local Geotagging of Social Media Content
D Flatow, M Naaman, KE Xie, Y Volkovich, Y Kanza
WSDM2015: the 8th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 2015
Gender homophily in online dyadic and triadic relationships
D Laniado, Y Volkovich, K Kappler, A Kaltenbrunner
EPJ Data Science 5 (1), 19, 2016
In-Degree and PageRank: Why do they follow similar power laws
N Litvak, WRW Scheinhardt, Y Volkovich
Internet Mathematics 4 (2-3), 129-298, 2007
The impact of geographic distance on online social interactions
D Laniado, Y Volkovich, S Scellato, C Mascolo, A Kaltenbrunner
Information Systems Frontiers 20 (6), 1203-1218, 2018
Asymptotic analysis for personalized web search
Y Volkovich, N Litvak
Advances in applied probability 42 (2), 577-604, 2010
Far from the eyes, close on the Web: impact of geographic distance on online social interactions
A Kaltenbrunner, S Scellato, Y Volkovich, D Laniado, D Currie, ...
WOSN '12 - ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Online Social Networks, Helsinki, Finland, 2012
Biographical Social Networks on Wikipedia-A cross-cultural study of links that made history
P Aragón, A Kaltenbrunner, D Laniado, Y Volkovich
WikiSym'12- 8th International Symposium on Wikis and Open Collaboration …, 2012
The Length of Bridge Ties: Structural and Geographic Properties of Online Social Interactions.
Y Volkovich, S Scellato, D Laniado, C Mascolo, A Kaltenbrunner
ICWSM-12, The International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, 2012
Determining factors behind the PageRank log-log plot.
Y Volkovich, N Litvak, D Donato
Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, WAW 2007, 2007
Gender patterns in a large online social network
Y Volkovich, D Laniado, K Kappler, A Kaltenbrunner
SocInfo2014: the 6th International Conference on Social Informatics, 2014
Jointly they edit: examining the impact of community identification on political interaction in Wikipedia
JG Neff, D Laniado, K Kappler, Y Volkovich, P Aragón, A Kaltenbrunner
PLoS ONE |Research Article |02 Jul 2012, 2012
When a Movement Becomes a Party: Computational Assessment of New Forms of Political Organization in Social Media
P Aragón, Y Volkovich, D Laniado, A Kaltenbrunner
ICWSM-16 The International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 2016
Not all paths lead to Rome: Analysing the network of sister cities
A Kaltenbrunner, P Aragón, D Laniado, Y Volkovich
IWSOS 2013, the 7th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems, 2013
Probabilistic relation between in-degree and pagerank
N Litvak, W Scheinhardt, Y Volkovich
Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph, WAW 2008, 72-83, 2008
Modeling page-view dynamics on Wikipedia
M Thij, Y Volkovich, D Laniado, A Kaltenbrunner
Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS 2013), 2012
Comparative analysis of articulated and behavioural social networks in a social news sharing website
A Kaltenbrunner, G Gonzalez, R Ruiz De Querol, Y Volkovich
New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 17 (3), 243-266, 2011
First international workshop on social media engagement (SoME 2011)
A Jaimes, M Lalmas, Y Volkovich
ACM SIGIR Forum 45 (1), 56-62, 2011
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Articles 1–20