Thashmee Karunaratne
Thashmee Karunaratne
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Implementing small scale ICT projects in developing countries–how challenging is it?
T Karunaratne, C Peiris, H Hansson
International Journal of Education and Development using ICT 14 (1), 2018
ICT capacity building: A critical discourse analysis of Rwandan policies from higher education perspective
JC Byungura, H Hansson, K Masengesho, T Karunaratne
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning 19 (2), 46-62, 2016
Blended supervision for thesis projects in higher education: A case study
T Karunaratne
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 16 (2), pp79‑90-pp79‑90, 2018
Learning analytics for blended learning: A systematic review of theory, methodology, and ethical considerations
N Bergdahl, J Nouri, T Karunaratne, M Afzaal, M Saqr
International journal of learning analytics and artificial intelligence for …, 2020
Interaction gaps in PhD education and ICT as a way forward: Results from a study in Sweden
N Aghaee, W Byron Jobe, T Karunaratne, Å Smedberg, H Hansson, ...
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 17 (3 …, 2016
Adapting the use of digital content to improve the learning of numeracy among children with autism spectrum disorder in Rwanda: Thematic content analysis study
T Ntalindwa, M Nduwingoma, A Uworwabayeho, P Nyirahabimana, ...
JMIR Serious Games 10 (2), e28276, 2022
Effect of inadequate self-organized teams in agile project management: A case study from the oil and gas industry
S Gjøystdal, T Karunaratne
International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM …, 2020
Pre-processing structured data for standard machine learning algorithms by supervised graph propositionalization-a case study with medicinal chemistry datasets
T Karunaratne, H Bostrom, U Norinder
2010 Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2010
For learning analytics to be sustainable under GDPR—Consequences and way forward
T Karunaratne
Sustainability 13 (20), 11524, 2021
User perceptions on relevance of a learning management system: An evaluation of Behavioural intention and usage of SciPro system at University of Rwanda
JC Byungura, H Hansson, T Karunaratne
European Distance and E-Learning Network EDEN Conference Proceedings …, 2015
Graph propositionalization for random forests
T Karunaratne, H Boström
2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 196-201, 2009
Teachers’ Agency in Technology for Education in Pre-and Post-COVID-19 Periods: A Systematic Literature Review
A Pathiranage, T Karunaratne
Education Sciences 13 (9), 917, 2023
The effect of multiple change processes on quality and completion rate of theses: a longitudinal study
T Karunaratne, H Hansson, N Aghaee
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 26 (2), 184-201, 2019
Communication and collaboration gaps among phd students and ict as a way forward: results from a study in sweden
N Aghaee, T Karunaratne, Å Smedberg, W Jobe
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2015
Is it the new google: Impact of chatgpt on students’ information search habits
T Karunaratne, A Adesina
Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on e-Learning ECEL, 147-155, 2023
Using log data of virtual learning environments to examine the effectiveness of online learning for teacher education in Rwanda
T Karunaratne, JC Byungura
2017 IST-Africa Week Conference (IST-Africa), 1-12, 2017
Learning to classify structured data by graph propositionalization
T Karunaratne, H Boström
The IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence, November …, 2006
Towards an agile-based process model for effective teacher training on LMS
T Karunaratne, H Zhemchugova, JC Byungura, U Olsson
18th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL), Copenhagen, Denmark, 284-293, 2019
Using background knowledge for graph based learning: a case study in chemoinformatics
T Karunaratne, H Boström
International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Kowloon …, 2007
Is Frequent Pattern Mining useful in building predictive models?
T Karunaratne
ECML/PKDD: Workshop of Collective Learning and Inference on Structured Data …, 2011
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Articles 1–20