Anna Gero
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Cited by
Integrating community based disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: examples from the Pacific
A Gero, K Méheux, D Dominey-Howes
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (1), 101-113, 2011
Traditional coping strategies and disaster response: Examples from the South Pacific region
SM Fletcher, J Thiessen, A Gero, M Rumsey, N Kuruppu, J Willetts
Journal of environmental and public health 2013 (1), 264503, 2013
Overcoming cross-scale challenges to climate change adaptation for local government: a focus on Australia
P Mukheibir, N Kuruppu, A Gero, J Herriman
Climatic change 121, 271-283, 2013
Surveying rip current survivors: preliminary insights into the experiences of being caught in rip currents
D Drozdzewski, W Shaw, D Dominey-Howes, R Brander, T Walton, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (4), 1201-1211, 2012
Integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific
A Gero, K Méheux, D Dominey-Howes
Climate and Development 3 (4), 310-327, 2011
Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific: The challenge of integration
A Gero, K Meheux, D Dominey-Howes
ATRC-NHRL miscellaneous report 4 (3), 2010
The impact of land cover change on storms in the Sydney Basin, Australia
AF Gero, AJ Pitman, GT Narisma, C Jacobson, RA Pielke
Global and Planetary Change 54 (1-2), 57-78, 2006
Human response to extreme events: A review of three post-tsunami disaster case studies
DK Bird, C Chagué-Goff, A Gero
Australian Geographer 42 (3), 225-239, 2011
The impact of land cover change on a simulated storm event in the Sydney basin
AF Gero, AJ Pitman
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 45 (2), 283-300, 2006
A qualitative examination of the health workforce needs during climate change disaster response in Pacific Island Countries
M Rumsey, SM Fletcher, J Thiessen, A Gero, N Kuruppu, J Daly, J Buchan, ...
Human Resources for Health 12, 1-11, 2014
Cross-scale barriers to climate change adaptation in local government, Australia
P Mukheibir, N Kuruppu, A Gero, E Herriman
Cross-scale barriers to climate change adaptation in local government …, 2013
Postwildfire hydrological response in an El Niño–Southern Oscillation–dominated environment
KM Tomkins, GS Humphreys, AF Gero, RA Shakesby, SH Doerr, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 113 (F2), 2008
Private and social enterprise roles in water, sanitation and hygiene for the poor: a systematic review
A Gero, N Carrard, J Murta, J Willetts
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 4 (3), 331-345, 2014
Disasters and climate change in the Pacific: adaptive capacity of humanitarian response organizations
A Gero, S Fletcher, M Rumsey, J Thiessen, N Kuruppu, J Buchan, J Daly, ...
Climate and Development 7 (1), 35-46, 2015
Disaster response and climate change in the Pacific
A Gero, SM Fletcher, M Rumsey, J Thiessen, N Kuruppu, J Buchan, J Daly, ...
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, 2013
Cross-scale barriers to climate change adaptation in local government, Australia
A Gero, N Kuruppu, P Mukheibir
UTS: Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, 2012
The role of child and youth participation in development effectiveness: a literature review
S Asker, A Gero
ChildFund Australia, 2012
Process, practice and priorities—key lessons learnt undertaking sensitive social reconnaissance research as part of an (UNESCO-IOC) International Tsunami Survey Team
SL van Zijll de Jong, D Dominey-Howes, CE Roman, E Calgaro, A Gero, ...
Earth Science Reviews 107 (1), 174-192, 2011
Water and Sanitation Entrepeneurs in Indonesia, Vietnam and Timor-Leste: Traits, drivers and challenges
JR Willetts, J Murta, A Gero
Private and social enterprise engagement in water and sanitation for the poor: A systematic review of current evidence
A Gero, N Carrard, J Murta, J Willetts
Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney, 2013
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Articles 1–20