Adam Mezher
Adam Mezher
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Cited by
Test-retest reliability of longitudinal task-based fMRI: Implications for developmental studies
MM Herting, P Gautam, Z Chen, A Mezher, NC Vetter
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 33, 17-26, 2018
Systematic comparison of different techniques to measure hippocampal subfield volumes in ADNI2
SG Mueller, PA Yushkevich, S Das, L Wang, K Van Leemput, JE Iglesias, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 17, 1006-1018, 2018
Disrupted rich club network in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and early‐onset A lzheimer's disease
M Daianu, A Mezher, MF Mendez, N Jahanshad, EE Jimenez, ...
Human brain mapping 37 (3), 868-883, 2016
MRI-based brain atrophy rates in ADNI phase 2: acceleration and enrichment considerations for clinical trials
X Hua, CRK Ching, A Mezher, BA Gutman, DP Hibar, P Bhatt, AD Leow, ...
Neurobiology of aging 37, 26-37, 2016
Brain amyloid-β burden is associated with disruption of intrinsic functional connectivity within the medial temporal lobe in cognitively normal elderly
Z Song, PS Insel, S Buckley, S Yohannes, A Mezher, A Simonson, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (7), 3240-3247, 2015
Spectral graph theory and graph energy metrics show evidence for the Alzheimer's disease disconnection syndrome in APOE-4 risk gene carriers
M Daianu, A Mezher, N Jahanshad, DP Hibar, TM Nir, CR Jack, ...
2015 IEEE 12th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), 458-461, 2015
UCSF freesurfer methods
M Hartig, D Truran-Sacrey, S Raptentsetsang, A Simonson, A Mezher, ...
ADNI Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative: San Francisco, CA, USA 5, 2014
Uncovering biologically coherent peripheral signatures of health and risk for Alzheimer’s disease in the aging brain
BC Riedel, M Daianu, G Ver Steeg, A Mezher, LE Salminen, A Galstyan, ...
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 10, 390, 2018
Restructuring of amygdala subregion apportion across adolescence
CE Campbell, AF Mezher, SP Eckel, JM Tyszka, WM Pauli, BJ Nagel, ...
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 48, 100883, 2021
Test-retest reliability of longitudinal task-based fMRI: implications for developmental studies. Dev. Cogn. Neurosci. 33, 17–26
MM Herting, P Gautam, Z Chen, A Mezher, NC Vetter
Information-theoretic characterization of blood panel predictors for brain atrophy and cognitive decline in the elderly
SK Madsen, G Ver Steeg, A Mezher, N Jahanshad, TM Nir, X Hua, ...
2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 980-984, 2015
Collaboration for a systematic comparison of different techniques to measure subfield volumes: announcement and first results
S Mueller, P Yushkevich, L Wang, K Van Leemput, A Mezher, JE Iglesias, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 4 (9), P51, 2013
Information-theoretic clustering of neuroimaging metrics related to cognitive decline in the elderly
M Daianu, G Ver Steeg, A Mezher, N Jahanshad, TM Nir, X Yan, G Prasad, ...
Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data: International Workshop …, 2016
Associations between testosterone, estradiol, and androgen receptor genotype with amygdala subregions in adolescents
CE Campbell, AF Mezher, JM Tyszka, BJ Nagel, SP Eckel, MM Herting
Psychoneuroendocrinology 137, 105604, 2022
Systematic comparison of different techniques to measure hippocampal subfield volumes in ADNI2. Neuroimage Clin 17: 1006–1018
SG Mueller, PA Yushkevich, SR Das, L Wang, K Van Leemput, JE Iglesias, ...
Relative value of diverse brain MRI and blood-based biomarkers for predicting cognitive decline in the elderly
SK Madsen, G Ver Steeg, M Daianu, A Mezher, N Jahanshad, TM Nir, ...
Medical Imaging 2016: Image Processing 9784, 281-286, 2016
Effects of EPI distortion correction pipelines on the connectome in Parkinson's Disease
J Galvis, AF Mezher, A Ragothaman, JE Villalon-Reina, PT Fletcher, ...
Medical Imaging 2016: Image Processing 9784, 895-901, 2016
IC‐P‐088: Collaboration for a systematic comparison of different techniques to measure subfield volumes: Announcement and first results
S Mueller, P Yushkevich, L Wang, K Van Leemput, A Mezher, JE Iglesias, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia 9, P51-P51, 2013
" Test-retest reliability of longitudinal task-based fMRI: Implications for developmental studies": Erratum.
MM Herting, P Gautam, Z Chen, A Mezher, NC Vetter
Elsevier Science, 2020
Predicting Cognitive Decline with Information-Theoretic Clustering of Brain MRI and Blood Tests
SK Madsen, GV Steeg, A Mezher, N Jahanshad, TM Nir, X Hua, ...
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Articles 1–20