Christopher S.Y. Benwell
Christopher S.Y. Benwell
Psychology, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, University of Dundee
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Prestimulus EEG power predicts conscious awareness but not objective visual performance
CSY Benwell, CF Tagliabue, D Veniero, R Cecere, S Savazzi, G Thut
eneuro 4 (6), 2017
Non-linear effects of transcranial direct current stimulation as a function of individual baseline performance: Evidence from biparietal tDCS influence on lateralized attention …
CSY Benwell, G Learmonth, C Miniussi, M Harvey, G Thut
cortex 69, 152-165, 2015
Frequency and power of human alpha oscillations drift systematically with time-on-task
CSY Benwell, RE London, CF Tagliabue, D Veniero, J Gross, C Keitel, ...
NeuroImage 192, 101-114, 2019
The implications of state-dependent tDCS effects in aging: behavioural response is determined by baseline performance
G Learmonth, G Thut, CSY Benwell, M Harvey
Neuropsychologia 74, 108-119, 2015
# EEGManyLabs: Investigating the replicability of influential EEG experiments
YG Pavlov, N Adamian, S Appelhoff, M Arvaneh, CSY Benwell, C Beste, ...
cortex 144, 213-229, 2021
Stimulus-driven brain rhythms within the alpha band: The attentional-modulation conundrum
C Keitel, A Keitel, CSY Benwell, C Daube, G Thut, J Gross
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (16), 3119-3129, 2019
On the neural origin of pseudoneglect: EEG-correlates of shifts in line bisection performance with manipulation of line length
CSY Benwell, M Harvey, G Thut
Neuroimage 86, 370-380, 2014
EEG microstate correlates of fluid intelligence and response to cognitive training
E Santarnecchi, AR Khanna, CS Musaeus, CSY Benwell, P Davila, ...
Brain topography 30, 502-520, 2017
EEG spectral power abnormalities and their relationship with cognitive dysfunction in patients with Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes
CSY Benwell, P Davila-Pérez, PJ Fried, RN Jones, TG Travison, ...
Neurobiology of aging 85, 83-95, 2020
The EEG signature of sensory evidence accumulation during decision formation closely tracks subjective perceptual experience
CF Tagliabue, D Veniero, CSY Benwell, R Cecere, S Savazzi, G Thut
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4949, 2019
A rightward shift in the visuospatial attention vector with healthy aging
CSY Benwell, G Thut, A Grant, M Harvey
Frontiers in aging neuroscience 6, 113, 2014
Spatial attention: differential shifts in pseudoneglect direction with time-on-task and initial bias support the idea of observer subtypes
CSY Benwell, G Thut, G Learmonth, M Harvey
Neuropsychologia 51 (13), 2747-2756, 2013
Inconsistent effects of parietal α-tACS on Pseudoneglect across two experiments: a failed internal replication
D Veniero, CSY Benwell, MM Ahrens, G Thut
Frontiers in psychology 8, 952, 2017
Trial‐by‐trial co‐variation of pre‐stimulus EEG alpha power and visuospatial bias reflects a mixture of stochastic and deterministic effects
CSY Benwell, C Keitel, M Harvey, J Gross, G Thut
European Journal of Neuroscience 48 (7), 2566-2584, 2018
Stimulus-and state-dependence of systematic bias in spatial attention: additive effects of stimulus-size and time-on-task
CSY Benwell, M Harvey, S Gardner, G Thut
Cortex 49 (3), 827-836, 2013
Low pre‐stimulus EEG alpha power amplifies visual awareness but not visual sensitivity
CSY Benwell, A Coldea, M Harvey, G Thut
European Journal of Neuroscience 55 (11-12), 3125-3140, 2022
Age-related reduction of hemispheric lateralisation for spatial attention: An EEG study
G Learmonth, CSY Benwell, G Thut, M Harvey
NeuroImage 153, 139-151, 2017
Rhythms in cognition: The evidence revisited
C Keitel, M Ruzzoli, L Dugué, NA Busch, CSY Benwell
European Journal of Neuroscience 55 (11-12), 2991-3009, 2022
Efficacy of home-based visuomotor feedback training in stroke patients with chronic hemispatial neglect
S Rossit, CSY Benwell, L Szymanek, G Learmonth, L McKernan-Ward, ...
Neuropsychological rehabilitation 29 (2), 251-272, 2019
Psychiatrically relevant signatures of domain-general decision-making and metacognition in the general population
CSY Benwell, G Mohr, J Wallberg, A Kouadio, RAA Ince
Npj Mental Health Research 1 (1), 10, 2022
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Articles 1–20