Robert Huitl
Robert Huitl
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Cited by
Graph-based data fusion of pedometer and WiFi measurements for mobile indoor positioning
S Hilsenbeck, D Bobkov, G Schroth, R Huitl, E Steinbach
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2014
Mobile visual location recognition
G Schroth, R Huitl, D Chen, M Abu-Alqumsan, A Al-Nuaimi, E Steinbach
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 28 (4), 77-89, 2011
TUMindoor: An extensive image and point cloud dataset for visual indoor localization and mapping
R Huitl, G Schroth, S Hilsenbeck, F Schweiger, E Steinbach
2012 19th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 1773-1776, 2012
A mobile indoor navigation system interface adapted to vision-based localization
A Möller, M Kranz, R Huitl, S Diewald, L Roalter
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on mobile and ubiquitous …, 2012
Experimental evaluation of user interfaces for visual indoor navigation
A Möller, M Kranz, S Diewald, L Roalter, R Huitl, T Stockinger, M Koelle, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2014
Camera-based indoor positioning using scalable streaming of compressed binary image signatures
D Van Opdenbosch, G Schroth, R Huitl, S Hilsenbeck, A Garcea, ...
2014 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 2804-2808, 2014
A novel rate control framework for SIFT/SURF feature preservation in H. 264/AVC video compression
J Chao, R Huitl, E Steinbach, D Schroeder
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 25 (6), 958-972, 2014
Optimizing the SUSAN corner detection algorithm for a high speed FPGA implementation
C Claus, R Huitl, J Rausch, W Stechele
2009 International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications …, 2009
Fast relocalization for visual odometry using binary features
J Straub, S Hilsenbeck, G Schroth, R Huitl, A Möller, E Steinbach
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2548-2552, 2013
Visual localisation
E Steinbach, R Huitl, G Schroth, S Hilsenbeck
US Patent 10,319,146, 2019
Scale-preserving long-term visual odometry for indoor navigation
S Hilsenbeck, A Möller, R Huitl, G Schroth, M Kranz, E Steinbach
2012 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2012
Exploiting text-related features for content-based image retrieval
G Schroth, S Hilsenbeck, R Huitl, F Schweiger, E Steinbach
2011 IEEE international symposium on multimedia, 77-84, 2011
Visual localization method
E Steinbach, G Schroth, M Abu-Alqumsan, R Huitl, A Al-Nuaimi, ...
US Patent 9,641,981, 2017
Virtual reference view generation for CBIR-based visual pose estimation
R Huitl, G Schroth, S Hilsenbeck, F Schweiger, E Steinbach
Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 993-996, 2012
Rapid image retrieval for mobile location recognition
G Schroth, A Al-Nuaimi, R Huitl, F Schweiger, E Steinbach
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
Exploiting prior knowledge in mobile visual location recognition
G Schroth, R Huitl, M Abu-Alqumsan, F Schweiger, E Steinbach
2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2012
Tool support for prototyping interfaces for vision-based indoor navigation
A Möller, C Kray, L Roalter, S Diewald, M Kranz
MOBIVIS: mobile vision and hci 21/09/2012-21/09/2012, 2012
Speeded-up SURF: Design of an efficient multiscale feature detector
F Schweiger, G Schroth, R Huitl, Y Latif, E Steinbach
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 3475-3478, 2013
Towards location recognition using range images
A Al-Nuaimi, R Huitl, S Taifour, S Sarin, X Song, YX Gu, E Steinbach, ...
2013 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-6, 2013
Navigating indoors using decision points
A Möller, S Diewald, L Roalter, T Stockinger, R Huitl, S Hilsenbeck, ...
Computer Aided Systems Theory-EUROCAST 2013: 14th International Conference …, 2013
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Articles 1–20