Corinne Dejous
Corinne Dejous
Professeur, Laboratoire IMS Bordeaux - ENSEIRB-MATMECA / Bordeaux INP
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A love-wave gas sensor coated with functionalized polysiloxane for sensing organophosphorus compounds
C Zimmermann, D Rebière, C Dejous, J Pistré, E Chastaing, R Planade
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 76 (1-3), 86-94, 2001
A Love wave immunosensor for whole E. coli bacteria detection using an innovative two-step immobilisation approach
N Moll, E Pascal, DH Dinh, JP Pillot, B Bennetau, D Rebière, D Moynet, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (9-10), 2145-2150, 2007
Real time device for biosensing: design of a bacteriophage model using love acoustic waves
O Tamarin, S Comeau, C Dejous, D Moynet, D Rebiere, J Bezian, J Pistre
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 18 (5-6), 755-763, 2003
Study of acoustic Love wave devices for real time bacteriophage detection
O Tamarin, C Déjous, D Rebière, J Pistré, S Comeau, D Moynet, J Bezian
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 91 (1-3), 275-284, 2003
Love-wave bacteria-based sensor for the detection of heavy metal toxicity in liquid medium
I Gammoudi, H Tarbague, A Othmane, D Moynet, D Rebière, R Kalfat, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (4), 1723-1726, 2010
Sensors for diagnosis of prostate cancer: Looking beyond the prostate specific antigen
C Dejous, UM Krishnan
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 173, 112790, 2021
Microwave flexible gas sensor based on polymer multi wall carbon nanotubes sensitive layer
P Bahoumina, H Hallil, JL Lachaud, A Abdelghani, K Frigui, S Bila, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 249, 708-714, 2017
Passive resonant sensors: trends and future prospects
H Hallil, C Dejous, S Hage-Ali, O Elmazria, J Rossignol, D Stuerga, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (11), 12618-12632, 2021
Inkjet-printed graphene oxide thin layers on love wave devices for humidity and vapor detection
I Nikolaou, H Hallil, V Conédéra, G Deligeorgis, C Dejous, D Rebiere
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (21), 7620-7627, 2016
Detection of GB and DMMP vapors by love wave acoustic sensors using strong acidic fluoride polymers
C Zimmermann, P Mazein, D Rebiere, C Dejous, J Pistre, R Planade
IEEE Sensors Journal 4 (4), 479-488, 2004
Trends and applications of surface and bulk acoustic wave devices: a review
Y Yang, C Dejous, H Hallil
Micromachines 14 (1), 43, 2022
Escherichia coli-functionalized magnetic nanobeads as an ultrasensitive biosensor for heavy metals
M Souiri, I Gammoudi, HB Ouada, L Mora, T Jouenne, N Jaffrezic-Renault, ...
Procedia Chemistry 1 (1), 1027-1030, 2009
Study of a polymer optical microring resonator for hexavalent chromium sensing
F Meziane, V Raimbault, H Hallil, S Joly, V Conédéra, JL Lachaud, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 209, 1049-1056, 2015
Acoustic Love wave platform with PDMS microfluidic chip
V Raimbault, D Rebiere, C Dejous, M Guirardel, V Conédéra
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 142 (1), 160-165, 2008
Synthesis and evaluation of fluoropolyol isomers as saw microsensor coatings: role of humidity and temperature
D Rebiere, C Dejous, J Pistre, JF Lipskier, R Planade
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 49 (1-2), 139-145, 1998
A surface acoustic wave gas sensor: detection of organophosphorus compounds
C Déjous, D Rebière, J Pistré, C Tiret, R Planade
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 24 (1-3), 58-61, 1995
Surface acoustic wave detection of organophosphorus compounds with fluoropolyol coatings
D Rebière, C Déjous, J Pistré, R Planade, JF Lipskier, P Robin
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 43 (1-3), 34-39, 1997
A microfluidic surface acoustic wave sensor platform: Application to high viscosity measurements
V Raimbault, D Rebière, C Dejous
Materials Science and Engineering: C 28 (5-6), 759-764, 2008
A shear-horizontal acoustic plate mode (SH-APM) sensor for biological media
C Déjous, M Savart, D Rebière, J Pistré
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 27 (1-3), 452-456, 1995
CNT-based inkjet-printed RF gas sensor: Modification of substrate properties during the fabrication process
J George, A Abdelghani, P Bahoumina, O Tantot, D Baillargeat, K Frigui, ...
Sensors 19 (8), 1768, 2019
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