Louise Archer
Louise Archer
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Higher education and social class
L Archer, M Hutchings, A Ross
RoutledgeFalmer, 2002
“Doing” science versus “being” a scientist: Examining 10/11‐year‐old schoolchildren's constructions of science through the lens of identity
L Archer, J DeWitt, J Osborne, J Dillon, B Willis, B Wong
Science Education 94 (4), 617-639, 2010
Science aspirations, capital, and family habitus: How families shape children’s engagement and identification with science
L Archer, J DeWitt, J Osborne, J Dillon, B Willis, B Wong
American educational research journal 49 (5), 881-908, 2012
“Science capital”: A conceptual, methodological, and empirical argument for extending bourdieusian notions of capital beyond the arts
L Archer, E Dawson, J DeWitt, A Seakins, B Wong
Journal of research in science teaching 52 (7), 922-948, 2015
Challenging cultures? Student conceptions of'belonging'and'isolation'at a post-1992 university
B Read, L Archer, C Leathwood
Studies in higher education 28 (3), 261-277, 2003
The new neoliberal subjects? Young/er academics’ constructions of professional identity
L Archer
Journal of education policy 23 (3), 265-285, 2008
Younger academics’ constructions of ‘authenticity’,‘success’ and professional identity
L Archer
Studies in higher education 33 (4), 385-403, 2008
'Bettering Yourself'? Discourses of risk, cost and benefit in ethnically diverse, young working-class non-participants' constructions of higher education
L Archer, M Hutchings
British journal of sociology of education 21 (4), 555-574, 2000
Understanding minority ethnic achievement: Race, gender, class and'success'
L Archer, B Francis
Routledge, 2006
Race, masculinity and schooling: Muslim boys and education
L Archer
McGraw-Hill Education (UK), 2003
‘Not girly, not sexy, not glamorous’: Primary school girls’ and parents’ constructions of science aspirations
L Archer, J DeWitt, J Osborne, J Dillon, B Willis, B Wong
Pedagogy, Culture & Society 21 (1), 171-194, 2013
Diversity, equality and higher education: A critical reflection on the ab/uses of equity discourse within widening participation
L Archer
Teaching in higher Education 12 (5-6), 635-653, 2007
University's not for me—I'm a Nike person': Urban, working-class young people's negotiations ofstyle', identity and educational engagement
L Archer, S Hollingworth, A Halsall
Sociology 41 (2), 219-237, 2007
Spheres of influence: What shapes young people’s aspirations at age 12/13 and what are the implications for education policy?
L Archer, J DeWitt, B Wong
Journal of Education Policy 29 (1), 58-85, 2014
Young children's aspirations in science: The unequivocal, the uncertain and the unthinkable
J DeWitt, J Osborne, L Archer, J Dillon, B Willis, B Wong
International journal of science education 35 (6), 1037-1063, 2013
Adolescent boys' science aspirations: Masculinity, capital, and power
L Archer, J DeWitt, B Willis
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 51 (1), 1-30, 2014
Who aspires to a science career? A comparison of survey responses from primary and secondary school students
J DeWitt, L Archer
International Journal of Science Education 37 (13), 2170-2192, 2015
“Balancing acts'': Elementary school girls' negotiations of femininity, achievement, and science
L Archer, J DeWitt, J Osborne, J Dillon, B Willis, B Wong
Science Education 96 (6), 967-989, 2012
Is science for us? Black students’ and parents’ views of science and science careers
L Archer, J Dewitt, J Osborne
Science education 99 (2), 199-237, 2015
‘Muslim brothers, black lads, traditional Asians’: British Muslim young men’s constructions of race, religion and masculinity
L Archer
Feminism & Psychology 11 (1), 79-105, 2001
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Articles 1–20