Chris Wrench
Chris Wrench
PhD Candidate, University of Reading
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Cited by
Data stream mining of event and complex event streams: A survey of existing and future technologies and applications in big data
C Wrench, F Stahl, G Di Fatta, V Karthikeyan, DD Nauck
Enterprise Big Data Engineering, Analytics, and Management, 24-47, 2016
A rule induction approach to forecasting critical alarms in a telecommunication network
C Wrench, F Stahl, G Di Fatta, V Karthikeyan, D Nauck
2019 International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), 480-489, 2019
A method of rule induction for predicting and describing future alarms in a telecommunication network
C Wrench, F Stahl, T Le, G Di Fatta, V Karthikeyan, D Nauck
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXIII: Incorporating …, 2016
Towards expressive rule induction on ip network event streams
C Wrench, F Stahl, G Di Fatta, V Karthikeyan, D Nauck
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXII: Incorporating …, 2015
Expressive prediction and forecasting of alarms within a national telecommunications network
C Wrench
University of Reading, 2019
A statistical learning method to fast generalised rule induction directly from raw measurements
T Le, F Stahl, C Wrench, MM Gaber
2016 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2016
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Articles 1–6