Peer Stelldinger
Peer Stelldinger
Professor of Theoretical Computer Science, Computer Vision and Machine Learning
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Topological equivalence between a 3D object and the reconstruction of its digital image
P Stelldinger, LJ Latecki, M Siqueira
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 29 (1), 126-140, 2006
Towards a general sampling theory for shape preservation
P Stelldinger, U Köthe
Image and Vision Computing 23 (2), 237-248, 2005
Fast and accurate 3D edge detection for surface reconstruction
C Bähnisch, P Stelldinger, U Köthe
Pattern Recognition: 31st DAGM Symposium, Jena, Germany, September 9-11 …, 2009
Topology preserving marching cubes-like algorithms on the face-centered cubic grid
R Strand, P Stelldinger
14th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2007 …, 2007
Image digitization and its influence on shape properties in finite dimensions
P Stelldinger
IOS Press, 2008
A topological sampling theorem for robust boundary reconstruction and image segmentation
H Meine, U Köthe, P Stelldinger
Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (3), 524-541, 2009
Topologically correct surface reconstruction using alpha shapes and relations to ball-pivoting
P Stelldinger
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
Topology preserving digitization with FCC and BCC grids
P Stelldinger, R Strand
International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, 226-240, 2006
Shape preservation during digitization: tight bounds based on the morphing distance
P Stelldinger, U Köthe
Joint Pattern Recognition Symposium, 108-115, 2003
Shape preserving digitization of ideal and blurred binary images
U Köthe, P Stelldinger
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 11th International Conference, DGCI …, 2003
Topologically correct image segmentation using alpha shapes
P Stelldinger, U Köthe, H Meine
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 13th International Conference, DGCI …, 2006
Provably correct reconstruction of surfaces from sparse noisy samples
P Stelldinger, L Tcherniavski
Pattern Recognition 42 (8), 1650-1659, 2009
On covering a digital disc with concentric circles in Z2
S Bera, P Bhowmick, P Stelldinger, BB Bhattacharya
Theoretical Computer Science 506, 1-16, 2013
Digitization of non-regular shapes in arbitrary dimensions
P Stelldinger, K Terzic
Image and Vision Computing 26 (10), 1338-1346, 2008
3D object digitization: majority interpolation and marching cubes
P Stelldinger, LJ Latecki
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 2, 1173-1176, 2006
3D Object Digitization: Topology Preserving Reconstruction
P Stelldinger, LJ Latecki
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 3, 693-696, 2006
Connectivity preserving digitization of blurred binary images in 2D and 3D
P Stelldinger, U Köthe
Computers & Graphics 30 (1), 70-76, 2006
Digitization of non-regular shapes
P Stelldinger
Mathematical Morphology: 40 Years On: Proceedings of the 7th International …, 2005
Provably correct edgel linking and subpixel boundary reconstruction
U Köthe, P Stelldinger, H Meine
Joint Pattern Recognition Symposium, 81-90, 2006
On simultaneous reconstruction of multiple regions based on locally adaptive boundary samples
P Stelldinger, L Tcherniavski
Proceedings of Computational Topology in Image context, CTIC 2009, 2009
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Articles 1–20