James Gunning
James Gunning
CSIRO Energy
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Joint impedance and facies inversion–seismic inversion redefined
M Kemper, J Gunning
First Break 32 (9), 2014
Synthesis and biophysical studies of short oligodeoxynudeotides with novel modifications: a possible approach to the problem of mixed base oligodeoxynudeotide synthesis
TA Millican, GA Mock, MA Chauncey, TP Patel, MAW Eaton, J Gunning, ...
Nucleic acids research 12 (19), 7435-7453, 1984
Electrical double layer interaction between dissimilar spherical colloidal particles and between a sphere and a plate: The linearized poisson-boltzmann theory
SL Carnie, DYC Chan, JS Gunning
Langmuir 10 (9), 2993-3009, 1994
Delivery: An open-source model-based Bayesian seismic inversion program
J Gunning, ME Glinsky
Computers & Geosciences 30 (6), 619-636, 2004
Detection of reservoir quality using Bayesian seismic inversion
J Gunning, ME Glinsky
Geophysics 72 (3), R37-R49, 2007
Method for estimating and/or reducing uncertainty in reservoir models of potential petroleum reservoirs
JS Gunning, ME Glinsky, CD White
US Patent 7,254,091, 2007
Method for determining improved estimates of properties of a model
MC Haase, ME Glinsky, J Gunning
US Patent App. 12/004,651, 2009
Wavelet extractor: A Bayesian well-tie and wavelet extraction program
J Gunning, ME Glinsky
Computers & Geosciences 32 (5), 681-695, 2006
The impedance of the planar diffuse double layer: an exact low-frequency theory
J Gunning, DYC Chan, LR White
Journal of colloid and interface science 170 (2), 522-537, 1995
Resolution and uncertainty in 1D CSEM inversion: A Bayesian approach and open-source implementation
J Gunning, ME Glinsky, J Hedditch
Geophysics 75 (6), F151-F171, 2010
Joint facies and rock properties Bayesian amplitude‐versus‐offset inversion using Markov random fields
J Gunning, M Sams
Geophysical Prospecting 66 (5), 904-919, 2018
How well can time-lapse seismic characterize a small CO2 leakage into a saline aquifer: CO2CRC Otway 2C experiment (Victoria, Australia)
S Glubokovskikh, R Pevzner, J Gunning, T Dance, V Shulakova, D Popik, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 92, 102854, 2020
Model selection in fracture mapping from elastostatic data
B Lecampion, J Gunning
International journal of solids and structures 44 (5), 1391-1408, 2007
Coning in dual completed systems
J Gunning, L Paterson, B Poliak
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 23 (1), 27-39, 1999
Probabilistic inversion of airborne electromagnetic data under spatial constraints
J Hauser, J Gunning, D Annetts
Geophysics 80 (2), E135-E146, 2015
The FluidFlower Validation Benchmark Study for the Storage of CO
B Flemisch, JM Nordbotten, M Fernø, R Juanes, JW Both, H Class, ...
Transport in Porous Media 151 (5), 865-912, 2024
Integration of uncertain subsurface information into multiple reservoir simulation models
ME Glinsky, B Asher, R Hill, M Flynn, M Stanley, J Gunning, T Thompson, ...
The Leading Edge 24 (10), 990-999, 2005
Bayesian well-test 2D tomography inversion for CO2 plume detection
J Gunning, J Ennis-King, T LaForce, C Jenkins, L Paterson
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 94, 102804, 2020
Estimation of stagnation performance metrics in magnetized liner inertial fusion experiments using Bayesian data assimilation
PF Knapp, ME Glinsky, MA Schaeuble, CA Jennings, M Evans, J Gunning, ...
Physics of Plasmas 29 (5), 2022
Is the structure of anisotropic pyrolytic carbon a consequence of growth by the Volmer-Weber island growth mechanism?
WJ Lee, J Gunning, N Burke, J Patel
Carbon 50 (13), 4773-4780, 2012
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Articles 1–20