Alessandro Fornaciai
Alessandro Fornaciai
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Cited by
Release of a 10-m-resolution DEM for the Italian territory: Comparison with global-coverage DEMs and anaglyph-mode exploration via the web
S Tarquini, S Vinci, M Favalli, F Doumaz, A Fornaciai, L Nannipieri
Computers & geosciences 38 (1), 168-170, 2012
Multiview 3D reconstruction in geosciences
M Favalli, A Fornaciai, I Isola, S Tarquini, L Nannipieri
Computers & Geosciences 44, 168-176, 2012
Morphometry of scoria cones, and their relation to geodynamic setting: A DEM-based analysis
A Fornaciai, M Favalli, D Karátson, S Tarquini, E Boschi
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 217, 56-72, 2012
Evolution of an active lava flow field using a multitemporal LIDAR acquisition
M Favalli, A Fornaciai, F Mazzarini, A Harris, M Neri, B Behncke, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 115 (B11), 2010
Volcanological applications of unoccupied aircraft systems (UAS): Developments, strategies, and future challenges
MR James, B Carr, F D'Arcy, A Diefenbach, H Dietterich, A Fornaciai, ...
Volcanica 3 (1), 67-114, 2020
LIDAR strip adjustment: Application to volcanic areas
M Favalli, A Fornaciai, MT Pareschi
Geomorphology 111 (3-4), 123-135, 2009
Lava flow hazard at Fogo Volcano, Cabo Verde, before and after the 2014–2015 eruption
N Richter, M Favalli, E de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, A Fornaciai, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16 (8), 1925-1951, 2016
Lava flow hazard and risk at Mt. Cameroon volcano
M Favalli, S Tarquini, P Papale, A Fornaciai, E Boschi
Bulletin of Volcanology 74, 423-439, 2012
UAV-based remote sensing surveys of lava flow fields: a case study from Etna’s 1974 channel-fed lava flows
M Favalli, A Fornaciai, L Nannipieri, A Harris, S Calvari, C Lormand
Bulletin of Volcanology 80, 1-18, 2018
The regular shape of stratovolcanoes: a DEM-based morphometrical approach
D Karátson, M Favalli, S Tarquini, A Fornaciai, G Wörner
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 193 (3-4), 171-181, 2010
Application of an ultra-wide band sensor-free wireless network for ground monitoring
E Intrieri, G Gigli, T Gracchi, M Nocentini, L Lombardi, F Mugnai, ...
Engineering Geology 238, 1-14, 2018
A new approach to risk assessment of lava flow at Mount Etna
M Favalli, S Tarquini, A Fornaciai, E Boschi
Geology 37 (12), 1111-1114, 2009
The vegetation resilience after fire (VRAF) index: development, implementation and an illustration from central Italy
M Bisson, A Fornaciai, A Coli, F Mazzarini, MT Pareschi
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 10 (3 …, 2008
The 2014 effusive eruption at Stromboli: New insights from in situ and remote-sensing measurements
F Di Traglia, S Calvari, L D’Auria, T Nolesini, A Bonaccorso, A Fornaciai, ...
Remote Sensing 10 (12), 2035, 2018
Lidar surveys reveal eruptive volumes and rates at Etna, 2007–2010
B Behncke, A Fornaciai, M Neri, M Favalli, G Ganci, F Mazzarini
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (9), 4270-4278, 2016
Detecting short-term evolution of Etnean scoria cones: a LIDAR-based approach
A Fornaciai, B Behncke, M Favalli, M Neri, S Tarquini, E Boschi
Bulletin of Volcanology 72, 1209-1222, 2010
A LiDAR survey of Stromboli volcano (Italy): Digital elevation model-based geomorphology and intensity analysis
A Fornaciai, M Bisson, P Landi, F Mazzarini, MT Pareschi
International Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (12), 3177-3194, 2010
Visualization and comparison of DEM-derived parameters. Application to volcanic areas
M Favalli, A Fornaciai
Geomorphology 290, 69-84, 2017
Fissural volcanism, polygenetic volcanic fields, and crustal thickness in the Payen Volcanic Complex on the central Andes foreland (Mendoza, Argentina)
F Mazzarini, A Fornaciai, A Bistacchi, FA Pasquarè
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9 (9), 2008
Rapid updating and improvement of airborne LIDAR DEMs through ground-based SfM 3-D modeling of volcanic features
S Kolzenburg, M Favalli, A Fornaciai, I Isola, AJL Harris, L Nannipieri, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (11), 6687-6699, 2016
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Articles 1–20