Jihoon Ryoo
Jihoon Ryoo
Associate Professor of Computer Science Department, SUNY Korea
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Improving User Perceived Page Load Times Using Gaze
C Kelton, J Ryoo, A Balasubramanian, SR Das
[NSDI 17]14th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and …, 2017
Design and implementation of an end-to-end architecture for 3.5 GHz shared spectrum
CW Kim, J Ryoo, MM Buddhikot
[DySPAN 15]2015 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access …, 2015
Barnet: Towards activity recognition using passive backscattering tag-to-tag network
J Ryoo, Y Karimi, A Athalye, M Stanaćević, SR Das, P Djurić
[MobiSys18]Proceedings of the 16th annual international conference on mobile …, 2018
Design and evaluation of a foveated video streaming service for commodity client devices
J Ryoo, K Yun, D Samaras, SR Das, G Zelinsky
[MMSys 16]Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimedia …, 2016
Design and evaluation of “BTTN”: a backscattering tag-to-tag network
J Ryoo, J Jian, A Athalye, SR Das, M Stanaćević
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (4), 2844-2855, 2018
Geo-fencing: Geographical-fencing based energy-aware proactive framework for mobile devices
J Ryoo, H Kim, SR Das
2012 IEEE 20th International Workshop on Quality of Service, 1-9, 2012
dcSR: practical video quality enhancement using data-centric super resolution
D Baek, M Dasari, SR Das, J Ryoo
[CoNEXT21]Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on emerging …, 2021
Gateway over the air: Towards pervasive internet connectivity for commodity iot
J Jung, J Ryoo, Y Yi, SM Kim
[MobiSys20]Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile …, 2020
Sali360: design and implementation of saliency based video compression for 360 video streaming
D Baek, H Kang, J Ryoo
[MMSys20]Proceedings of the 11th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, 141-152, 2020
Phase-based ranging of rfid tags with applications to shopping cart localization
J Ryoo, SR Das
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis …, 2015
Walk to show your identity: gait-based seamless user authentication framework using deep neural network
D Baek, P Musale, J Ryoo
[WearSys19]The 5th ACM Workshop on Wearable Systems and Applications, 53-58, 2019
Multi-sector multi-range control for self-organizing wireless networks
J Ryoo, H Kim
Journal of network and computer applications 34 (6), 1848-1860, 2011
Study on Laser-Powered Aerial Vehicle: Prolong Flying Time Using 976nm Laser Source
Y Lim, YW Choi, J Ryoo
IEEE ICTC, 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2021
Link-aware reconfigurable point-to-point video streaming for mobile devices
SK Lee, S Yoo, J Jung, H Kim, J Ryoo
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications …, 2015
Modeling user-centered page load time for smartphones
C Kelton, J Ryoo, A Balasubramanian, X Bi, SR Das
[MobileHCI20]22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction …, 2020
CoSA: Adaptive link-aware real-time streaming for mobile devices
SK Lee, J Ryoo, S Yoo, J Jung, W Lee, H Kim
2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2013
AuthGPS: Lightweight GPS authentication against GPS and LTE spoofing (poster)
S Tariq, H Kim, J Ryoo
[MobiSys19]Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Mobile …, 2019
Full-rate cooperative relay
K Tan, J Zhang, Y Zhang, J Ryoo, J Fang
US Patent 8,660,056, 2014
Design and implementation of location determination technology based on RSSI and trilateration over smart-phone
K Sung, J Ryoo, H Kim
Proc. KICS Int. Conf. Commun, 969-970, 2010
uGPS: design and field-tested seamless GNSS infrastructure in metro city
H Kim, J Park, S Park, J Ryoo
[Mobicom22]Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile …, 2022
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Articles 1–20