Yvonne Primerano Mascarenhas
Yvonne Primerano Mascarenhas
Universidade de São Paulo
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Occupational radiation exposure in vascular interventional radiology: a complete evaluation of different body regions
FAB Neto, AFF Alves, YM Mascarenhas, P Nicolucci, DR de Pina
Physica Medica 32 (8), 1019-1024, 2016
Improvement of radiology services based on the process management approach
CST Amaral, H Rozenfeld, JMH Costa, MF de Andrade Magon, ...
European journal of radiology 78 (3), 377-383, 2011
Efficiency of personal dosimetry methods in vascular interventional radiology
FA Bacchim Neto, AFF Alves, YM Mascarenhas, G Giacomini, ...
European Journal of Medical Physics, 2017
Evolution of X‐ray machine quality control acceptance indices
MLNI Ebisawa, M de Fatima A Magon, YM Mascarenhas
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 10 (4), 252-259, 2009
Dynamical symmetry in the vibrational overtone spectrum of monofluoroacetylene (HCCF)
ES Bernardes, YMM Hornos, JEM Hornos
Chemical physics 213 (1-3), 17-32, 1996
Recovery of α-Al2O3 from Ionizing Radiation Dosimetric Sensors
EA Sanches, AGC Costalonga, LF Nascimento, YM Mascarenhas, ...
Materials Research 18, 113-120, 2015
Elaboração de um modelo de referência para o processo de radiologia
MLN Ebisawa, J Costa, R Souza, M Magon, Y Mascarenhas
Mogi das Cruzes (SP): Universidade Mogi das Cruzes, 2010
Abdomen–pelvis computed tomography protocol optimization: an image quality and dose assessment
NH Pelegrino Bastos Maués, AF Fattori Alves, AL Menegatti Pavan, ...
Radiation protection dosimetry 184 (1), 66-72, 2019
The overtone spectrum of monofluoracetylene in the algebraic approach
ES Bernardes, YM Hornos, J Hornos
Chemical physics letters 203 (2-3), 143-149, 1993
The contribution of optically stimulated luminescence dosimetry in quality control in radiotherapy
RS Fernandes, YM Mascarenhas
Revista Brasileira de Física Médica 5 (2), 139-142, 2011
Use of optically stimulated dosimetry (OSL) in the evaluation of radiotherapy beam parameters; Utilizacao da dosimetria opticamente estimulada na avaliacao de parametros de …
R Giglioti, T Ghilardi Netto, YM Mascarenhas
Analysis of the Evolution of Acceptance Indices of Quality Control Parameters for X-Ray Equipment in the State of São Paulo
MLNI Ebisawa, MFA Magon, YM Mascarenhas
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 10 (4), 2009
An evaluation of parameters compliance obtained through quality control tests in mammography undertaken at Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 2000 to 2009
MFA Magon, YM Mascarenhas, MLN Ebisawa
Proceedings of the 14. Brazilian congress on medical physics; 4. Symposium …, 2009
OSL dosimetry and it application in the parameter study: symmetry, plain and beam homogeneity in radiotherapy; Dosimetria OSL e sua aplicacao no estudo dos parametros: simetria …
R Giglioti, MFA Magon, YM Mascarenhas, T Ghilardi Netto
Using of the optically stimulated luminescent dosimetry (OSL) dosimetry for verification of depth dose percentage (PDP) and beam homogeneity in radiotherapy; Utilizacao da …
R Giglioti, MFA Magon, YM Mascarenhas, MV Moreira
Preliminary comparative analysis of dose determination with OSL (Optical Stimulated Luminescence) tapes and ionization chamber in computerized tomography; Analise comparativa …
F Pelegrini, R Dimestein, R Giglioti, YM Mascarenhas
Application of the OSL technique for determination of the useful calibration distance ranges for beta radiation detectors
Application of the OSL technique for determination of the useful calibration distance ranges for beta radiation detectors
P de Lara Antonio, TCNO Pinto, CC Gronchi, YM Mascarenhas, ...
OSL dosimetry and it application in the parameter study: symmetry, plain and beam homogeneity in radiotherapy
R Giglioti, MFA Magon, YM Mascarenhas, T Ghilardi Netto
Use of optically stimulated dosimetry (OSL) in the evaluation of radiotherapy beam parameters
R Giglioti, T Ghilardi Netto, YM Mascarenhas
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Articles 1–20