Teng Joon Lim
Cited by
Cited by
Wireless communications with unmanned aerial vehicles: Opportunities and challenges
Y Zeng, R Zhang, TJ Lim
IEEE Communications magazine 54 (5), 36-42, 2016
Improving amplify-and-forward relay networks: optimal power allocation versus selection
Y Zhao, R Adve, TJ Lim
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on 6 (8), 3114-3123, 2007
Throughput maximization for UAV-enabled mobile relaying systems
Y Zeng, R Zhang, TJ Lim
IEEE Transactions on communications 64 (12), 4983-4996, 2016
Placement optimization of UAV-mounted mobile base stations
J Lyu, Y Zeng, R Zhang, TJ Lim
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (3), 604-607, 2016
Symbol error rate of selection amplify-and-forward relay systems
Y Zhao, R Adve, TJ Lim
IEEE Communications Letters 10 (11), 757-759, 2006
Multi-antenna based spectrum sensing for cognitive radios: A GLRT approach
R Zhang, TJ Lim, YC Liang, Y Zeng
IEEE transactions on communications 58 (1), 84-88, 2010
Soft handoffs in CDMA mobile systems
D Wong, TJ Lim
IEEE Personal Communications 4 (6), 6-17, 1997
Outage probability at arbitrary SNR with cooperative diversity
Y Zhao, R Adve, TJ Lim
IEEE communications letters 9 (8), 700-702, 2005
Optimal Save-Then-Transmit Protocol for Energy Harvesting Wireless Transmitters
S Luo, R Zhang, TJ Lim
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on 12 (3), 1196-1207, 2013
Downlink and uplink energy minimization through user association and beamforming in cloud RAN
S Luo, R Zhang, TJ Lim
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on 14 (1), 494 - 508, 2015
A matrix-algebraic approach to linear parallel interference cancellation in CDMA
D Guo, LK Rasmussen, S Sun, TJ Lim
IEEE Transactions on Communications 48 (1), 152-161, 2000
A matrix-algebraic approach to successive interference cancellation in CDMA
LK Rasmussen, TJ Lim, A Johansson
IEEE Transactions on Communications 48 (1), 145-151, 2000
Joint estimation of channel response, frequency offset, and phase noise in OFDM
DD Lin, RA Pacheco, TJ Lim, D Hatzinakos
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54 (9), 3542-3554, 2006
EDIMA: Early detection of IoT malware network activity using machine learning techniques
A Kumar, TJ Lim
2019 IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 289-294, 2019
Constrained maximum-likelihood detection in CDMA
PH Tan, LK Rasmussen, TJ Lim
IEEE Transactions on Communications 49 (1), 142-153, 2001
Linear parallel interference cancellation in long-code CDMA multiuser detection
D Guo, LK Rasmussen, TJ Lim
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 17 (12), 2074-2081, 1999
The variational inference approach to joint data detection and phase noise estimation in OFDM
DD Lin, TJ Lim
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (5), 1862-1874, 2007
Beamforming with limited feedback in amplify-and-forward cooperative networks
Y Zhao, R Adve, TJ Lim
IEEE GLOBECOM 2007-IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 3457-3461, 2007
Precoding for the multiantenna downlink: Multiuser SNR gap and optimal user ordering
CHF Fung, W Yu, TJ Lim
IEEE Transactions on Communications 55 (1), 188-197, 2007
Adaptive symbol and parameter estimation in asynchronous multiuser CDMA detectors
TJ Lim, LK Rasmussen
IEEE Transactions on Communications 45 (2), 213-220, 1997
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Articles 1–20