Marcelo Telascrea
Marcelo Telascrea
Associate Professor of the Postgraduate Program of the Environmental Science and Technology course
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Cited by
Composition and antifungal activity of essential oils from Piper aduncum, Piper arboreum and Piper tuberculatum
HMD Navickiene, AA Morandim, AC Alécio, LO Regasini, DCB Bergamo, ...
Química Nova 29, 467-470, 2006
Essential oil from leaves of Cryptocarya mandioccana Meisner (Lauraceae): Composition and intraspecific chemical variability
M Telascrea, CC de Araújo, MOM Marques, R Facanali, PLR de Moraes, ...
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 35 (4), 222-232, 2007
Composição e variabilidade química de óleo essencial de Casearia sylvestris Sw
AG Tininis, MM Assonuma, M Telascrea, CC Perez, M Silva, R Favoreto, ...
Rev Bras Plantas Med 8 (4), 132-6, 2006
Use of a cashew nut shell liquid resin as a potential replacement for phenolic resins in the preparation of panels–a review
M Telascrêa, AL Leão, MZ Ferreira, HFF Pupo, BM Cherian, S Narine
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 604 (1), 222-232, 2014
Cryptomoschatone D2 from Cryptocarya mandioccana: cytotoxicity against human cervical carcinoma cell lines
CP Soares, MP Giocondo, CL Bassi, M Telascrea, AJ Cavalheiro, ...
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2009
Essential oils from leaves of Cryptocarya spp from the atlantic rain forest
M Telascrea, CC Araújo, AJ Cavalheiro, MOM Marques, R Facanali, ...
Química Nova 31, 503-507, 2008
Caracterização anatômica da folha de Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (Poaceae) e perfil químico do óleo essencial
M Martins, AR Martins, M Telascrêa, AJ Cavalheiro
Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 20-29, 2004
Effect of the decontamination using gamma irradiation on the essential oil of Turnera diffusa Wild.
EES Camargo, M Telascrea, W Vilegas
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 18, 356-359, 2008
Obtenção de extratos vegetais por diferentes métodos de extração: estudo experimental e simulação dos processos
PC Veggi
Ph. D. Thesis, 2009
First Total Synthesis of Cryptopyranmoscatone A3 and Cryptopyranmoscatone B4
AM Reddy, G Sabitha
SynOpen 2 (01), 0058-0063, 2018
Evaluation of micronuclei frequency in Tradescantia pallida pollen mother cells treated with ethanolic extracts isolated from Cryptocarya mandioccana, Cryptocarya moschata and …
AM De Oliveira, CM Caliri, LO Regasini, M Telascrea, MCC Peron, ...
Revista Brasileira de Toxicologia, 73-78, 2007
Flavored drink production using broken rice: Evaluation of physical-chemical properties and power consumption of industrial stirring system
M Marques, A Pelissari, A Coutinho, M Telascrea, B Antoniassi, M Chaves
Journal of Sustainable Development 10 (5), 116-116, 2017
Analysis of the Economic Viability in the Implementation of the Chemical Waste Management System in Teaching and Research Laboratories
B Antoniassi, V Araujo, M Chaves, M Telascrea, M Kempa, B Bersanetti
Journal of Sustainable Development 10 (1), 112-112, 2017
Anatomical characterization of leaf of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (Poaceae) and chemical profile of the essential oil.
MBG Martins, AR Martins, M Telascrêa, AJ Cavalheiro
Caracterização biométrica e química da folha de Mentha pulegium x spicata (Lamiaceae)
MB Martins, AR Martins, AJ Cavalheiro, M Telascrêa
Rev. ciênc. farm, 17-23, 2004
Thermal Paint Production: Techno-Economic Evaluation of Muscovite as an Insulating Additive
GF Ribas, M Telascrêa, AI Mangili, RR Rocha, BA Tavares, MRM Chaves
Independent Journal of Management & Production 7 (3), 975-988, 2016
Fungitoxic substances isolated of Cryptocarya moschata and C. aschersoniana (Lauraceae) leaves
M Telascrea, MM Assonuma, AJ Cavalheiro, D Agripino, M Young
ARTIGO 10. Extração e análise cromatográfica do óleo essencial de Noz Moscada do Brasil (Cryptocarya mandioccanna)
R Crisóstomo, CDZ Fermino, M Telascrea, AJ Cavalheiro, MOM Marques, ...
Environmental Science & Technology Innovation-ISSN 2965-1158 3 (1), 2024
A sinfonia tecnológica: relação entre ciência e sustentabilidade
M Telascrea
Environmental Science & Technology Innovation-ISSN 2965-1158 2 (2), 2023
Estudo do óleo essencial de Ocotea corymbosa (Meisn.) Mez (Lauraceae).
GG Santiago, M Telascrêa, MOM Marques, JA de Oliveira Gomes, ...
Environmental Science & Technology Innovation-ISSN 2965-1158 2 (2), 2023
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Articles 1–20