Ioannis Petromichelakis
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Cited by
Sparse representations and compressive sampling approaches in engineering mechanics: A review of theoretical concepts and diverse applications
IA Kougioumtzoglou, I Petromichelakis, AF Psaros
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 61, 103082, 2020
Stochastic response determination and optimization of a class of nonlinear electromechanical energy harvesters: A Wiener path integral approach
I Petromichelakis, AF Psaros, IA Kougioumtzoglou
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 53, 116-125, 2018
Addressing the curse of dimensionality in stochastic dynamics: A Wiener path integral variational formulation with free boundaries
I Petromichelakis, IA Kougioumtzoglou
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2243), 20200385, 2020
Sparse representations and compressive sampling for enhancing the computational efficiency of the Wiener path integral technique
AF Psaros, IA Kougioumtzoglou, I Petromichelakis
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 111, 87-101, 2018
Wiener path integrals and multi-dimensional global bases for non-stationary stochastic response determination of structural systems
AF Psaros, I Petromichelakis, IA Kougioumtzoglou
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 128, 551-571, 2019
Analytical derivation of seismic fragility curves for historical masonry structures based on stochastic analysis of uncertain material parameters
S Saloustros, L Pelà, FR Contrafatto, P Roca, I Petromichelakis
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 13 (7), 1142-1164, 2019
Stochastic response determination of nonlinear structural systems with singular diffusion matrices: A Wiener path integral variational formulation with constraints
I Petromichelakis, AF Psaros, IA Kougioumtzoglou
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 60, 103044, 2020
Stochastic response analysis and reliability-based design optimization of nonlinear electromechanical energy harvesters with fractional derivative elements
I Petromichelakis, AF Psaros, IA Kougioumtzoglou
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B …, 2021
Wiener path integral most probable path determination: A computational algebraic geometry solution treatment
I Petromichelakis, RM Bosse, IA Kougioumtzoglou, AT Beck
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 153, 107534, 2021
Signal-to-Noise Ratio analysis for time-reversal based imaging techniques in bounded domains
I Petromichelakis, C Tsogka, CG Panagiotopoulos
Wave Motion 79, 23-43, 2018
Seismic assessment of historical masonry construction including uncertainty
Y Petromichelakis, S Saloustros, L Pelà
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics …, 2014
Nonlinear stochastic dynamics of an array of coupled micromechanical oscillators
MI Katsidoniotaki, I Petromichelakis, IA Kougioumtzoglou
International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics 3 (1), 3-11, 2023
A quadratic Wiener path integral approximation for stochastic response determination of multi-degree-of-freedom nonlinear systems
Y Zhao, AF Psaros, I Petromichelakis, IA Kougioumtzoglou
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 69, 103319, 2022
A computational algebraic geometry technique for determining nonlinear normal modes of structural systems
I Petromichelakis, IA Kougioumtzoglou
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 135, 103757, 2021
Time reversal and imaging for structures
CG Panagiotopoulos, Y Petromichelakis, C Tsogka
Dynamic Response of Infrastructure to Environmentally Induced Loads …, 2017
Vulnerability assessment of monumental masonry structures including uncertainty
S Saloustros, L Pelà, FR Contrafatto, P Roca, I Petromichelakis
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: An Interdisciplinary …, 2019
Time reversal in elastodynamics with application to structural health monitoring
CG Panagiotopoulos, Y Petromichelakis, C Tsogka
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on computational methods in …, 2015
Influence of the boundaries in imaging for damage localization in 1D domains
C Tsogka, Y Petromichelakis, CG Panagiotopoulos
Proceedings of the 8th GRACM international congress on computational mechanics, 2015
Αποτίμηση υφιστάμενου δομήματος ΩΣ: πιθανοτική διερεύνηση της επιρροής των αβεβαιοτήτων στις ιδιότητες των υλικών και στο ποσοστό οπλισμού
ΓΝ Πετρομιχελάκης
Path integral techniques and Gröbner basis approaches for stochastic response analysis and optimization of diverse nonlinear dynamic systems
I Petromichelakis
Columbia University, 2020
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Articles 1–20