Sang-Wook Kim
Sang-Wook Kim
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Hanyang University
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Cited by
An index-based approach for similarity search supporting time warping in large sequence databases
SW Kim, S Park, WW Chu
Proceedings 17th international conference on data engineering, 607-614, 2001
Biscuit: A framework for near-data processing of big data workloads
B Gu, AS Yoon, DH Bae, I Jo, J Lee, J Yoon, JU Kang, M Kwon, C Yoon, ...
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 44 (3), 153-165, 2016
Imaging findings of complications and unusual manifestations of ovarian teratomas
SB Park, JK Kim, KR Kim, KS Cho
Radiographics 28 (4), 969-983, 2008
CFGAN: A generic collaborative filtering framework based on generative adversarial networks
DK Chae, JS Kang, SW Kim, JT Lee
Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on information and …, 2018
Segment-based approach for subsequence searches in sequence databases
S Park, SW Kim, WW Chu
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 248-252, 2001
YourSQL: a high-performance database system leveraging in-storage computing
I Jo, DH Bae, AS Yoon, JU Kang, S Cho, DDG Lee, J Jeong
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 9 (12), 924-935, 2016
Improving the accuracy of top-n recommendation using a preference model
J Lee, D Lee, YC Lee, WS Hwang, SW Kim
Information Sciences 348, 290-304, 2016
Trajectory clustering in road network environment
JI Won, SW Kim, JH Baek, J Lee
2009 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence and data mining, 299-305, 2009
Dynamic maintenance of data distribution for selectivity estimation
KY Whang, SW Kim, G Wiederhold
The VLDB Journal 3, 29-51, 1994
“Told you i didn't like it”: Exploiting uninteresting items for effective collaborative filtering
WS Hwang, J Parc, SW Kim, J Lee, D Lee
2016 IEEE 32nd international conference on data engineering (ICDE), 349-360, 2016
Software plagiarism detection: a graph-based approach
DK Chae, J Ha, SW Kim, BJ Kang, EG Im
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information …, 2013
Autonomic machine learning platform
KM Lee, J Yoo, SW Kim, JH Lee, J Hong
International Journal of Information Management 49, 491-501, 2019
Rating augmentation with generative adversarial networks towards accurate collaborative filtering
DK Chae, JS Kang, SW Kim, J Choi
The World Wide Web Conference, 2616-2622, 2019
A telematics service system based on the Linux cluster
J Lee, GL Park, H Kim, YK Yang, P Kim, SW Kim
Computational Science–ICCS 2007: 7th International Conference, Beijing …, 2007
A dynamic diffusion model for managing customer's expectation and satisfaction
S Yeon, S Park, S Kim
Technological Forecasting and social change 73 (6), 648-665, 2006
Efficient processing of similarity search under time warping in sequence databases: an index-based approach
SW Kim, S Park, WW Chu
Information Systems 29 (5), 405-420, 2004
AR-CF: Augmenting virtual users and items in collaborative filtering for addressing cold-start problems
DK Chae, J Kim, DH Chau, SW Kim
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2020
Path prediction of moving objects on road networks through analyzing past trajectories
SW Kim, JI Won, JD Kim, M Shin, J Lee, H Kim
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 11th …, 2007
A subsequence matching algorithm that supports normalization transform in time-series databases
WK Loh, SW Kim, KY Whang
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 9, 5-28, 2004
Spatial join processing using corner transformation
JW Song, KY Whang, YK Lee, MJ Lee
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 11 (4), 688-695, 1999
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Articles 1–20