Karin Murthy
Karin Murthy
IBM Research
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Cited by
Density-connected subspace clustering for high-dimensional data
K Kailing, HP Kriegel, P Kröger
Proceedings of the 2004 SIAM international conference on data mining, 246-256, 2004
Computing clusters of correlation connected objects
C Böhm, K Kailing, P Kröger, A Zimek
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2004
Discovery Services-Enabling RFID Traceability in EPCglobal Networks.
S Beier, T Grandison, K Kailing, R Rantzau
COMAD 6 (1), 214-217, 2006
Efficient similarity search for hierarchical data in large databases
K Kailing, HP Kriegel, S Schönauer, T Seidl
Advances in Database Technology-EDBT 2004: 9th International Conference on …, 2004
Towards traceability across sovereign, distributed RFID databases
R Agrawal, A Cheung, K Kailing, S Schonauer
2006 10th International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium …, 2006
Ranking interesting subspaces for clustering high dimensional data
K Kailing, HP Kriegel, P Kröger, S Wanka
European Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery …, 2003
DUST: a generalized notion of similarity between uncertain time series
SR Sarangi, K Murthy
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2010
Supplementing structured information about entities with information from unstructured data sources
PM Deshpande, MK Mohania, K Murthy, DS Padmanabhan, JS Reed, ...
US Patent 9,251,180, 2016
Discovering linkages between changes and incidents in information technology systems
S Guven, K Murthy, AM Paradkar
US Patent 11,151,499, 2021
Theseos: A query engine for traceability across sovereign, distributed RFID databases
A Cheung, K Kailing, S Schonauer
2007 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, 1495-1496, 2006
Unifying hetrogenous data
S Kulkarni, K Murthy, R Debarshi, S Schaefer
US Patent 8,412,734, 2013
Improving recall of regular expressions for information extraction
K Murthy, D P, PM Deshpande
Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE 2012: 13th International Conference …, 2012
Discovery of related entities in a master data management system
PM Deshpande, SR Joshi, MK Mohania, K Murthy, S Schumacher, ...
US Patent 10,042,911, 2018
Security and privacy enforcement for discovery services in a network of electronic product code information repositories
AC Asher, SP Beier, CC Clauss, TWA Grandison, K Kailing, R Rantzau, ...
US Patent 7,866,543, 2011
Method and system to manage risk of vulnerabilities and corresponding change actions to address malware threats
S Zeng, VC Sreedhar, K Murthy, J Hwang, MH Hernandez, LM Chavez, ...
US Patent 10,778,713, 2020
Exploiting evidence from unstructured data to enhance master data management
K Murthy, PM Deshpande, A Dey, R Halasipuram, M Mohania, P Deepak, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 5 (12), 1862-1873, 2012
Middleware for query processing across a network of RFID databases
R Agrawal, AK Cheung, K Kailing, S Schoenauer
US Patent 8,244,747, 2012
Content-based image retrieval using multiple representations
K Kailing, HP Kriegel, S Schönauer
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 8th …, 2004
Unifying hetrogenous data
S Kulkami, K Murthy, D Raha, S Schaefer
US Patent 8,838,636, 2014
Supplementing structured information about entities with information from unstructured data sources
PM Deshpande, MK Mohania, K Murthy, DS Padmanabhan, JS Reed, ...
US Patent 9,251,182, 2016
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Articles 1–20