Fausto Errico
Fausto Errico
École de Technologie Supérieure de Montréal and CIRRELT
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Cited by
Exact algorithms for electric vehicle-routing problems with time windows
G Desaulniers, F Errico, S Irnich, M Schneider
Operations Research 64 (6), 2016
A priori optimization with recourse for the vehicle routing problem with hard time windows and stochastic service times
F Errico, G Desaulniers, M Gendreau, W Rei, LM Rousseau
European Journal of Operational Research 249 (1), 55-66, 2016
A survey on planning semi-flexible transit systems: Methodological issues and a unifying framework
F Errico, TG Crainic, F Malucelli, M Nonato
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 36, 324-338, 2013
The Vehicle Routing Problem with Hard Time Windows and Stochastic Service Times
F Errico, G Desaulniers, M Gendreau, W Rei, LM Rousseau
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2018
Modeling demand uncertainty in two-tier city logistics tactical planning
TG Crainic, F Errico, W Rei, N Ricciardi
Transportation Science 50 (2), 559-578, 2016
Designing the master schedule for demand-adaptive transit systems
F Errico, TG Crainic, F Malucelli, M Nonato
Annals of Operations Research 194 (1), 151-166, 2012
Integrating c2e and c2c traffic into city logistics planning
TG Crainic, F Errico, W Rei, N Ricciardi
Procedia-social and behavioral sciences 39, 47-60, 2012
Branch-price-and-cut algorithms for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic and correlated travel times
B Rostami, G Desaulniers, F Errico, A Lodi
Operations Research 69 (2), 436-455, 2021
A Benders decomposition approach for the symmetric TSP with generalized latency arising in the design of semiflexible transit systems
F Errico, TG Crainic, F Malucelli, M Nonato
Transportation Science 51 (2), 706-722, 2017
The single-line design problem for demand-adaptive transit systems: a modeling framework and decomposition approach for the stationary-demand case
F Errico, TG Crainic, F Malucelli, M Nonato
Transportation Science 55 (6), 1300-1321, 2021
A Convex Reformulation and an Outer Approximation for a Large Class of Binary Quadratic Programs
B Rostami, F Errico, A Lodi
Operations Research, 2022
Modeling demand uncertainty in two-tiered city logistics planning
T Crainic, F Errico, W Rei, N Ricciardi
Technical report CIRRELT-2012-65, Université de Montréal, Canada, 2011
The design of flexible transit systems: models and solution methods
F Errico
Unpublished doctoral thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy, 2008
Dynamic routing for the Electric Vehicle Shortest Path Problem with charging station occupancy information
M Dastpak, F Errico, O Jabali, F Malucelli
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 158, 104411, 2024
Off-line approximate dynamic programming for the vehicle routing problem with a highly variable customer basis and stochastic demands
M Dastpak, F Errico, O Jabali
Computers & Operations Research 159, 106338, 2023
A computational study on imputation methods for missing environmental data
P Dixneuf, F Errico, M Glaus
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.09500, 2020
The fragility-constrained vehicle routing problem with time windows
C Altman, G Desaulniers, F Errico
Transportation Science 57 (2), 552-572, 2023
Comparison of the performance of hybrid traffic signal patterns and conventional alternatives when accounting for both pedestrians and vehicles
F Montazeri, F Errico, L Pellecuer
Sustainability 14 (20), 13667, 2022
Branch-price-and-cut algorithms for electric vehicle-routing Problems with time Windows (No. 77209). Darmstadt Technical University, Department of Business Administration …
F Errico, G Desaulniers, S Irnich, M Schneider
Institute for Business Studies (BWL), 2015
A propossal for the evaluation of deamnd-adaptive transit systems
TG Crainic, F Errico, F Malucelli, M Nonato
CIRRELT Documents de recherche, 2008
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Articles 1–20