Logan Fiorella
Cited by
Cited by
Principles for reducing extraneous processing in multimedia learning: Coherence, signaling, redundancy, spatial contiguity, and temporal contiguity principles
RE Mayer, L Fiorella
The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning, 279, 2014
Eight ways to promote generative learning
L Fiorella, RE Mayer
Educational Psychology Review, 1-25, 2016
Learning as a generative activity
L Fiorella, RE Mayer
Cambridge university press, 2015
The relative benefits of learning by teaching and teaching expectancy
L Fiorella, RE Mayer
Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (4), 281-288, 2013
Five ways to increase the effectiveness of instructional video
RE Mayer, L Fiorella, A Stull
Educational Technology Research and Development 68 (3), 837-852, 2020
The definition, assessment, and mitigation of state boredom within educational settings: A comprehensive review
JJ Vogel-Walcutt, L Fiorella, T Carper, S Schatz
Educational Psychology Review 24, 89-111, 2012
What works and doesn't work with instructional video
L Fiorella, RE Mayer
Computers in Human Behavior 89, 465-470, 2018
Role of expectations and explanations in learning by teaching
L Fiorella, RE Mayer
Contemporary educational psychology 39 (2), 75-85, 2014
Effects of observing the instructor draw diagrams on learning from multimedia messages.
L Fiorella, RE Mayer
Journal of Educational Psychology 108 (4), 528, 2016
Instructor presence in video lectures: The role of dynamic drawings, eye contact, and instructor visibility.
L Fiorella, AT Stull, S Kuhlmann, RE Mayer
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2019
Drawing boundary conditions for learning by drawing
L Fiorella, Q Zhang
Educational Psychology Review, 1-23, 2018
Five strategies for optimizing instructional materials: Instructor-and learner-managed cognitive load
JC Castro-Alonso, BB de Koning, L Fiorella, F Paas
Educational Psychology Review 33 (4), 1379-1407, 2021
It’s All a Matter of Perspective: Viewing First-Person Video Modeling Examples Promotes Learning of an Assembly Task.
L Fiorella, T van Gog, V Hoogerheide, RE Mayer
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2017
Learning executive function skills by playing focused video games
J Parong, RE Mayer, L Fiorella, A MacNamara, BD Homer, JL Plass
Contemporary Educational Psychology 51, 141-151, 2017
Enhancing example-based learning: Teaching on video increases arousal and improves problem-solving performance.
V Hoogerheide, A Renkl, L Fiorella, F Paas, T van Gog
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2019
An eye-tracking analysis of instructor presence in video lectures
AT Stull, L Fiorella, RE Mayer
Computers in Human Behavior 88, 263-272, 2018
Fostering generative learning from video lessons: Benefits of instructor-generated drawings and learner-generated explanations.
L Fiorella, AT Stull, S Kuhlmann, RE Mayer
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2020
Creating drawings enhances learning by teaching.
L Fiorella, S Kuhlmann
Journal of Educational Psychology, 2020
The science of habit and its implications for student learning and well-being
L Fiorella
Educational Psychology Review 32 (3), 603-625, 2020
Spontaneous spatial strategy use in learning from scientific text
L Fiorella, RE Mayer
Contemporary Educational Psychology 49, 66-79, 2017
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Articles 1–20