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Cited by
A support vector machine-firefly algorithm for movie opinion data classification
S Styawati, K Mustofa
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) 13 (3), 219-230, 2019
The impact of QoS changes towards network performance
W Sugeng, JE Istiyanto, K Mustofa, A Ashari
Int. J. Comput. Networks Commun. Secur 3 (2), 48-53, 2015
Phishing detection system through hybrid machine learning based on URL
A Karim, M Shahroz, K Mustofa, SB Belhaouari, SRK Joga
IEEE Access 11, 36805-36822, 2023
'SemanticLIFE'-A Framework for Managing Information of A Human Lifetime.
M Ahmed, HH Hoang, MS Karim, S Khusro, M Lanzenberger, K Latif, ...
iiWAS, 2004
Kebutuhan Web Service Untuk Sinkronisasi Data Antar Sistem Informasi Dalam E-Gov Di Pemkab Bantul Yogyakarta
E Sutanta, K Mustofa
JURTIK-STMIK BANDUNG (edisi Mei 2012), 2012
Metode Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi di Instansi Pemerintah Indonesia
H Setiawan, K Mustofa
JURNAL IPTEKKOM Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi 15 (1), 1-16, 2013
Monitoring the “health” status of open source web‐engineering projects
D Wahyudin, K Mustofa, A Schatten, S Biffl, A Min Tjoa
International Journal of Web Information Systems 3 (1/2), 116-139, 2007
Evaluasi penerapan sistem informasi manajemen rumah sakit (simrs) di RSUD Praya Kabupaten Lombok Tengah Nusa Tenggara Barat
BB Beny
Journal of Information Systems for Public Health 5 (3), 13-27, 2019
E-gov readiness assessment to determine E-government maturity phase
A Supriyanto, K Mustofa
2016 2nd International Conference on Science in Information Technology …, 2016
Survey: Models and Prototypes of Schema Matching.
E Sutanta, R Wardoyo, K Mustofa, E Winarko
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 6 (3), 2016
A systematic mapping review of software quality measurement: research trends, model, and method
T Wahyuningrum, K Mustofa
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7 (5), 2847, 2017
Predicting size of forest fire using hybrid model
GF Shidik, K Mustofa
Information and Communication Technology: Second IFIP TC5/8 International …, 2014
An approach for a personal information management system for photos of a lifetime by exploiting semantics
K Latif, K Mustofa, AM Tjoa
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 17th International Conference …, 2006
Vector Autoregression (Var) Model for Rainfall Forecast and Isohyet Mapping in Semarang–Central Java–Indonesia
A Nugroho, S Hartati, K Mustofa
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 5 (11), 2014
Finding Knowledge from Indonesian Traditional Medicine using Semantic Web Rule Language.
R Gunawan, K Mustofa
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 7 (6), 2017
Improvement of energy efficiency at cloud data center based on fuzzy Markov normal algorithm VM selection in dynamic VM consolidation
GF Shidik, A Azhari, K Mustofa
Int Rev Comput Softw 11 (6), 511-520, 2016
Purwarupa Framework Aplikasi Desktop Menggunakan Teknologi Web
F Adiputra, K Mustofa
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) 9 (1), 23-32, 2015
Platform Gamifikasi untuk Perkuliahan
D Kristiadi, K Mustofa
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) 11 (2), 131-142, 2017
Crawling Web berdasarkan Ontology
E Zuliarso, K Mustofa
Dinamik 14 (2), 2009
Multicriteria Group Decision Making Using Fuzzy Approach for Evaluating Criteria of Electrician.
W Hadikurniawati, K Mustofa
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 6 (5), 2016
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Articles 1–20