An experimental survey on big data frameworks W Inoubli, S Aridhi, H Mezni, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo Future Generation Computer Systems 86, 546-564, 2018 | 173 | 2018 |
Context-aware service recommendation based on knowledge graph embedding H Mezni, D Benslimane, L Bellatreche IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 34 (11), 5225-5238, 2021 | 77 | 2021 |
A cloud services recommendation system based on Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis H Mezni, T Abdeljaoued Data & Knowledge Engineering 116, 100-123, 2018 | 65 | 2018 |
Multi-cloud service composition using formal concept analysis H Mezni, M Sellami Journal of Systems and Software 134, 138-152, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
A comparative study on streaming frameworks for big data W Inoubli, S Aridhi, H Mezni, M Maddouri, EM Nguifo VLDB 2018-44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases: Workshop …, 2018 | 47 | 2018 |
A prediction-based VM consolidation approach in IaaS cloud data centers T Mahdhi, H Mezni Journal of Systems and Software 146, 263-285, 2018 | 37 | 2018 |
Through personalized web service composition specification: from BPEL to C-BPEL C Ghedira, H Mezni Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 146 (1), 117-132, 2006 | 37 | 2006 |
Smartwater: A service-oriented and sensor cloud-based framework for smart monitoring of water environments H Mezni, M Driss, W Boulila, SB Atitallah, M Sellami, N Alharbi Remote Sensing 14 (4), 922, 2022 | 35 | 2022 |
A composite particle swarm optimization approach for the composite saas placement in cloud environment MA Hajji, H Mezni Soft Computing 22 (12), 4025-4045, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
On the use of big data frameworks for big service composition M Sellami, H Mezni, MS Hacid Journal of Network and Computer Applications 166, 102732, 2020 | 31 | 2020 |
The uncertain cloud: State of the art and research challenges H Mezni, S Aridhi, A Hadjali International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 103, 139-151, 2018 | 31 | 2018 |
Temporal knowledge graph embedding for effective service recommendation H Mezni IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 15 (5), 3077-3088, 2021 | 30 | 2021 |
A survey of service placement in cloud environments A Hedhli, H Mezni Journal of Grid Computing 19 (3), 23, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Security-aware multi-cloud service composition by exploiting rough sets and fuzzy FCA F Lahmar, H Mezni Soft Computing 25 (7), 5173-5197, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Security‐aware SaaS placement using swarm intelligence H Mezni, M Sellami, J Kouki Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 30 (8), e1932, 2018 | 22 | 2018 |
Big data frameworks: A comparative study W Inoubli, S Aridhi, H Mezni, A Jung CoRR, abs/1610.09962, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
An evolutionary clustering approach based on temporal aspects for context-aware service recommendation H Mezni, S Ait Arab, D Benslimane, K Benouaret Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 11 (1), 119-138, 2020 | 20 | 2020 |
Multicloud service composition: a survey of current approaches and issues F Lahmar, H Mezni Journal of software: evolution and process 30 (10), e1947, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
Special issue on “Uncertainty in Cloud Computing:: Concepts, Challenges and Current Solutions” A Hadjali, H Mezni, S Aridhi, A Tchernykh | 16 | 2019 |
Reusing process fragments for fast service composition: a clustering-based approach H Mezni, M Kbekbi Enterprise Information Systems 13 (1), 34-62, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |