Tien-Lung Sun
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Cited by
Evaluation of postural stability based on a force plate and inertial sensor during static balance measurements
CH Lee, TL Sun
Journal of physiological anthropology 37, 1-16, 2018
Shape similarity assessment of mechanical parts based on solid models
TL Sun, CJ Su, RJ Mayer, RA Wysk
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 1995
An impact study of the design of exergaming parameters on body intensity from objective and gameplay-based player experience perspectives, based on balance training exergame
TL Sun, CH Lee
PloS one 8 (7), e69471, 2013
Effects of displays on visually controlled task performance in three‐dimensional virtual reality environment
CJ Lin, HJ Chen, PY Cheng, TL Sun
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 25 (5 …, 2015
Assessing elderly’s functional balance and mobility via analyzing data from waist-mounted tri-axial wearable accelerometers in timed up and go tests
L Yu, Y Zhao, H Wang, TL Sun, TE Murphy, KL Tsui
BMC medical informatics and decision making 21, 1-14, 2021
Effects of robotic care interventions for dementia care: A systematic review and meta‐analysis randomised controlled trials
ID Saragih, SI Tonapa, TL Sun, L Chia‐Ju, BO Lee
Journal of clinical nursing 30 (21-22), 3139-3152, 2021
A novel approach for fall risk prediction using the inertial sensor data from the timed-up-and-go test in a community setting
YC Hsu, Y Zhao, KH Huang, YT Wu, J Cabrera, TL Sun, KL Tsui
IEEE sensors journal 20 (16), 9339-9350, 2020
Multiscale entropy analysis of postural stability for estimating fall risk via domain knowledge of Timed-Up-And-Go Accelerometer data for elderly people living in a community
CH Wu, CH Lee, BC Jiang, TL Sun
Entropy 21 (11), 1076, 2019
Using wearable accelerometers in a community service context to categorize falling behavior
CH Lee, TL Sun, BC Jiang, VH Choi
Entropy 18 (7), 257, 2016
Estimating postural stability using improved permutation entropy via TUG accelerometer data for community-dwelling elderly people
CH Lee, SH Chen, BC Jiang, TL Sun
Entropy 22 (10), 1097, 2020
Automatic fall risk assessment with Siamese network for stroke survivors using inertial sensor‐based signals
X Fan, H Wang, Y Zhao, KH Huang, YT Wu, TL Sun, KL Tsui
International journal of intelligent systems 37 (9), 6168-6184, 2022
An integrated form-feature-based design system for manufacturing
CJ Su, TL Sun, CN Wu, RJ Mayer
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 6, 277-290, 1995
Fun and accurate static balance training to enhance fall prevention ability of aged adults: a preliminary study
CL Lai, SY Tseng, CH Huang, C Pei, WM Chi, LC Hsu, TL Sun
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 23 (6 …, 2013
Shape similarity assessment of polyhedral parts based on boundary models
TL Sun
International Journal of Production Research 38 (18), 4655-4670, 2000
ECTOF: a feature representation technique for concurrent engineering applications
RJ Mayer, CJ Su, TL Sun, RA Wysk
Journal of Design and Manufacturing 4 (1), 49-65, 1994
Petri net-based VR model interactive behaviour specification and control for maintaining training
TL Sun
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 22 (2), 129-137, 2009
Utilization of and research on geostatistics in soil science
HW Zhang, JY Ma, ZW Zhang, T Sun, GH Lv
J Lanzhou Univ (Nat Sci) 45 (6), 14-20, 2009
Supporting customer-company interaction in product customization using a web-based collaborative VR environment
TL Sun, TH Chiang
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers 22 (3), 235-242, 2005
Interactive visualization to assist fall-risk assessment of community-dwelling elderly people
TL Sun, CH Huang
Information Visualization 18 (1), 33-44, 2019
Evaluating presence for customer experience in a virtual environment: Using a nuclear power plant as an example
CH Lee, C Chou, TL Sun
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 25 (4 …, 2015
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Articles 1–20