Salvatore Mandrà
Salvatore Mandrà
Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab (QuAIL) @ NASA Ames Research Center - KBR
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Cited by
Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor
F Arute, K Arya, R Babbush, D Bacon, JC Bardin, R Barends, R Biswas, ...
Nature 574 (7779), 505-510, 2019
Quantum Optimization of Fully-Connected Spin Glasses
D Venturelli, S Mandrà, S Knysh, B O'Gorman, R Biswas, V Smelyanskiy
Physical Review X 3 (5), 031040, 2015
Information scrambling in quantum circuits
X Mi, P Roushan, C Quintana, S Mandrà, J Marshall, C Neill, F Arute, ...
Science 374 (6574), 1479-1483, 2021
Establishing the quantum supremacy frontier with a 281 pflop/s simulation
B Villalonga, D Lyakh, S Boixo, H Neven, TS Humble, R Biswas, ...
Quantum Science and Technology 5 (3), 034003, 2020
Numerical Simulation of Large Scrambling Quantum Circuits
S Mandra, J Marshall, K Kechedzhi
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2021
A flexible high-performance simulator for verifying and benchmarking quantum circuits implemented on real hardware
B Villalonga, S Boixo, B Nelson, C Henze, E Rieffel, R Biswas, S Mandrà
NPJ Quantum Information 86 (5), 2019
Strengths and weaknesses of weak-strong cluster problems: A detailed overview of state-of-the-art classical heuristics versus quantum approaches
S Mandrà, Z Zhu, W Wang, A Perdomo-Ortiz, HG Katzgraber
Physical Review A 94 (2), 022337, 2016
Quantum Annealing Applied to De-Conflicting Optimal Trajectories for Air Traffic Management
T Stollenwerk, B O'Gorman, D Venturelli, S Mandrà, O Rodionova, HK Ng, ...
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019
A NASA perspective on quantum computing: Opportunities and challenges
R Biswas, Z Jiang, K Kechezhi, S Knysh, S Mandrà, B O’Gorman, ...
Parallel Computing 64, 81-98, 2017
A deceptive step towards quantum speedup detection
S Mandra, HG Katzgraber
Quantum Science and Technology 3 (4), 04LT01, 2018
Exponentially-Biased Ground-State Sampling of Quantum Annealing Machines with Transverse-Field Driving Hamiltonians
S Mandrà, Z Zhu, HG Katzgraber
Physical Review Letters 118 (070502), 2017
Phase transition in Random Circuit Sampling
A Morvan, B Villalonga, X Mi, S Mandrà, A Bengtsson, PV Klimov, Z Chen, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.11119, 2023
Purification-based quantum error mitigation of pair-correlated electron simulations
TE O’Brien, G Anselmetti, F Gkritsis, VE Elfving, S Polla, WJ Huggins, ...
Nature Physics 19 (12), 1787-1792, 2023
The pitfalls of planar spin-glass benchmarks: Raising the bar for quantum annealers (again)
S Mandrà, HG Katzgraber, C Thomas
Quantum Science and Technology 2 (3), 2017
Effective quantum volume, fidelity and computational cost of noisy quantum processing experiments
K Kechedzhi, SV Isakov, S Mandrà, B Villalonga, X Mi, S Boixo, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 153, 431-441, 2024
Helium isotope enrichment by resonant tunneling through nanoporous graphene bilayers
S Mandra, J Schrier, M Ceotto
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (33), 6457-6465, 2014
Gas separation through bilayer silica, the thinnest possible silica membrane
B Yao, S Mandrà, JO Curry, S Shaikhutdinov, HJ Freund, J Schrier
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (49), 43061-43071, 2017
Coevolution of Glauber-like Ising dynamics and topology
S Mandrà, S Fortunato, C Castellano
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (5 …, 2009
Faster than Classical Quantum Algorithm for dense Formulas of Exact Satisfiability and Occupation Problems
S Mandrà, GG Guerreschi, A Aspuru-Guzik
New Journal of Physics 18 (7), 073003, 2016
Dynamics of magnetization at infinite temperature in a Heisenberg spin chain
E Rosenberg, TI Andersen, R Samajdar, A Petukhov, JC Hoke, D Abanin, ...
Science 384 (6691), 48-53, 2024
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Articles 1–20