Antonio Alonso-Ayuso (ORCID 0000-0002-6130-3596)
Antonio Alonso-Ayuso (ORCID 0000-0002-6130-3596)
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Mostoles, Madrid, Spain)
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Cited by
Cited by
An approach for strategic supply chain planning under uncertainty based on stochastic 0-1 programming
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, A Garìn, MT Ortuño, G Pérez
Journal of Global optimization 26, 97-124, 2003
Collision avoidance in air traffic management: A mixed-integer linear optimization approach
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, FJ Martín-Campo
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (1), 47-57, 2010
BFC, a branch-and-fix coordination algorithmic framework for solving some types of stochastic pure and mixed 0–1 programs
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, MT Ortuno
European Journal of Operational Research 151 (3), 503-519, 2003
On air traffic flow management with rerouting. Part II: Stochastic case
A Agustı, A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, C Pizarro
European Journal of Operational Research 219 (1), 167-177, 2012
On air traffic flow management with rerouting. Part I: Deterministic case
A Agustı, A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, C Pizarro
European Journal of Operational Research 219 (1), 156-166, 2012
Variable neighborhood search for order batching in a warehouse
M Albareda-Sambola, A Alonso-Ayuso, E Molina, CS De Blas
Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 26 (05), 655-683, 2009
A stochastic 0-1 program based approach for the air traffic flow management problem
A Alonso, LF Escudero, M Teresa Ortuno
European Journal of Operational Research 120 (1), 47-62, 2000
Variable neighborhood search strategies for the order batching problem
B Menéndez, EG Pardo, A Alonso-Ayuso, E Molina, A Duarte
Computers & Operations Research 78, 500-512, 2017
Medium range optimization of copper extraction planning under uncertainty in future copper prices
A Alonso-Ayuso, F Carvallo, LF Escudero, M Guignard, J Pi, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 233 (3), 711-726, 2014
A mixed 0–1 nonlinear optimization model and algorithmic approach for the collision avoidance in ATM: Velocity changes through a time horizon
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, FJ Martín-Campo
Computers & Operations Research 39 (12), 3136-3146, 2012
Fix-and-relax-coordination for a multi-period location–allocation problem under uncertainty
M Albareda-Sambola, A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, E Fernández, ...
Computers & operations research 40 (12), 2878-2892, 2013
Mathematical optimization models for air traffic flow management: A review
A Agustín, A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, C Pizarro
Exact and approximate solving of the aircraft collision resolution problem via turn changes
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, FJ Martín-Campo
Transportation Science 50 (1), 263-274, 2016
A VNS metaheuristic for solving the aircraft conflict detection and resolution problem by performing turn changes
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, FJ Martín-Campo, N Mladenović
Journal of Global Optimization 63, 583-596, 2015
Forestry management under uncertainty
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, M Guignard, M Quinteros, A Weintraub
Annals of Operations Research 190 (1), 17-39, 2011
Risk management for forestry planning under uncertainty in demand and prices
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, M Guignard, A Weintraub
European Journal of Operational Research 267 (3), 1051-1074, 2018
Multiobjective optimization for aircraft conflict resolution. A metaheuristic approach
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, FJ Martín-Campo
European Journal of Operational Research 248 (2), 691-702, 2016
On the product selection and plant dimensioning problem under uncertainty
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, A Garın, MT Ortuño, G Pérez
Omega 33 (4), 307-318, 2005
On a stochastic sequencing and scheduling problem
A Alonso-Ayuso, LF Escudero, MT Ortuño, C Pizarro
Computers & Operations Research 34 (9), 2604-2624, 2007
A multi-stage stochastic optimization model for energy systems planning and risk management
EL Cano, JM Moguerza, A Alonso-Ayuso
Energy and Buildings 110, 49-56, 2016
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Articles 1–20