Bridget Ulrich
Bridget Ulrich
Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth
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Sorption of poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) relevant to aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF)-impacted groundwater by biochars and activated carbon
X Xiao, BA Ulrich, B Chen, CP Higgins
Environmental science & technology 51 (11), 6342-6351, 2017
Biochar and activated carbon for enhanced trace organic contaminant retention in stormwater infiltration systems
BA Ulrich, EA Im, D Werner, CP Higgins
Environmental science & technology 49 (10), 6222-6230, 2015
Biochar-augmented biofilters to improve pollutant removal from stormwater–can they improve receiving water quality?
AB Boehm, CD Bell, NJM Fitzgerald, E Gallo, CP Higgins, TS Hogue, ...
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 6 (6), 1520-1537, 2020
Improved contaminant removal in vegetated stormwater biofilters amended with biochar
BA Ulrich, M Loehnert, CP Higgins
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 3 (4), 726-734, 2017
Life cycle energy and greenhouse gas assessment of the co-production of biosolids and biochar for land application
L Miller-Robbie, BA Ulrich, DF Ramey, KS Spencer, SP Herzog, TY Cath, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 91, 118-127, 2015
Organic carbon amendments for enhanced biological attenuation of trace organic contaminants in biochar-amended stormwater biofilters
BA Ulrich, M Vignola, K Edgehouse, D Werner, CP Higgins
Environmental science & technology 51 (16), 9184-9193, 2017
Natural gas emissions from underground pipelines and implications for leak detection
BA Ulrich, M Mitton, E Lachenmeyer, A Hecobian, D Zimmerle, KM Smits
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 6 (7), 401-406, 2019
Estimating natural gas emissions from underground pipelines using surface concentration measurements☆
Y Cho, BA Ulrich, DJ Zimmerle, KM Smits
Environmental Pollution 267, 115514, 2020
Different mechanisms of alkaline and enzymatic hydrolysis of the insensitive munition component 2, 4-dinitroanisole lead to identical products
BA Ulrich, M Palatucci, J Bolotin, JC Spain, TB Hofstetter
Environmental science & technology letters 5 (7), 456-461, 2018
Membrane-assisted VOC removal from aqueous acrylic latex
B Ulrich, TC Frank, A McCormick, EL Cussler
Journal of membrane science 452, 426-432, 2014
Exploring the utility of compound-specific isotope analysis for assessing ferrous iron-mediated reduction of RDX in the subsurface
Y Tong, MJ Berens, BA Ulrich, J Bolotin, JH Strehlau, TB Hofstetter, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (10), 6752-6763, 2021
Synthesis and reactivity of an isolable cobalt (I) complex containing a β-diketiminate-based acyclic tetradentate ligand
EE Marlier, BA Ulrich, K McNeill
Inorganic chemistry 51 (4), 2079-2085, 2012
Mineral identity, natural organic matter, and repeated contaminant exposures do not affect the carbon and nitrogen isotope fractionation of 2, 4-dinitroanisole during abiotic …
MJ Berens, BA Ulrich, JH Strehlau, TB Hofstetter, WA Arnold
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 21 (1), 51-62, 2019
A closer look at underground natural gas pipeline leaks across the United States
Y Cho, KM Smits, NL Steadman, BA Ulrich, CS Bell, DJ Zimmerle
Elem Sci Anth 10 (1), 00095, 2022
Towards prospective sustainability life cycle assessment
AR Clarke-Sather, S Mamun, D Nolan, P Schoff, M Aro, B Ulrich
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2020
Biochar-amended biofilters for removal of trace organic contaminants from stormwater
BA Ulrich
Colorado School of Mines, 2016
Field evaluation of a biochar-amended stormwater filtration system for retention of nutrients, metals, and Escherichia coli
BA Ulrich, K Weelborg, TM Haile, UB Singh, J Magner
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 10 (10), 2546-2558, 2024
Paleoenvironmental Insights into Terrestrially-Derived Organic Matter Composition in Sediments of Laurentian Great Lakes Superior and Huron
J Zunker, KM Schreiner, L Karg, CT Filstrup, BA Ulrich, ED Reavie, ...
AGU23, 2023
Field evaluation of the contaminant-retention performance for a biochar-amended stormwater filtration system
B Ulrich, K Weelborg, T Haile, U Singh, J Magner
Characterizing the Terrestrial Sources of Organic Matter in Laurentian Great Lakes Superior and Huron Sediments
J Zunker, KM Schreiner, CT Filstrup, BA Ulrich, ED Reavie, CL Chun
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, PP52A-06, 2022
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Articles 1–20