Olga Seminck
Olga Seminck
Lattice UMR8094 CNRS ENS-PSL Sorbonne Nouvelle
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Cited by
A Google-proof collection of French Winograd schemas
P Amsili, O Seminck
The 2nd Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes (CORBON 2017 …, 2017
The acquisition of noun and verb categories by bootstrapping from a few known words: A computational model
P Brusini, O Seminck, P Amsili, A Christophe
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 661479, 2021
The corpus for idiolectal research (CIDRE)
O Seminck, P Gambette, D Legallois, T Poibeau
Journal of Open Humanities Data 7, 15, 2021
A computational model of human preferences for pronoun resolution
O Seminck, P Amsili
Proceedings of the student research workshop at the 15th conference of the …, 2017
The evolution of the idiolect over the lifetime: A quantitative and qualitative study of french 19th century literature
O Seminck, P Gambette, D Legallois, T Poibeau
Journal of Cultural Analytics 7 (3), 2022
Conversational AI: Dialogue systems, conversational agents, and Chatbots by Michael McTear
O Seminck
Computational Linguistics 49 (1), 257-259, 2023
Schémas Winograd en français: une étude statistique et comportementale
P Amsili, O Seminck
TALN 2017, 2017
Subject verb agreement error patterns in meaningless sentences: Humans vs. BERT
K Lasri, O Seminck, A Lenci, T Poibeau
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.10538, 2022
A gold anaphora annotation layer on an eye movement corpus
O Seminck, P Amsili
LREC 2018, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2018
BookNLP-fr, the French Versant of BookNLP. A Tailored Pipeline for 19th and 20th Century French Literature
F Mélanie-Becquet, J Barré, OC Seminck, C Plancq, M Naguib, M Pastor, ...
Conference on Computational Literary Studies (CCLS 2024), 2024
Reordering a tree according to an order on its leaves
L Bulteau, P Gambette, O Seminck
CPM 2022 223, 24: 1-24: 15, 2022
Romanciers et romancières du XIXème siècle: une étude automatique du genre sur le corpus GIRLS (Male and female novelists: an automatic study of gender of authors and their …
M Naguib, M Delaborde, B Andrault, A Bekolo, O Seminck
Actes de la 29e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues …, 2022
Prototype d’un Classifieur de Tweets à Buts Communicatifs
O Seminck
University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Dfense, Tech. Rep, 2014
Evaluating hierarchical clustering methods for corpora with chronological order
P Gambette, O Seminck, D Legallois, T Poibeau
EADH2021: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Data. Second International …, 2021
Modèles de langue appliqués aux schémas Winograd français
O Seminck, V Segonne, P Amsili
Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN), 343-350, 2019
Cognitive computational models of pronoun resolution
O Seminck
Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes (CORBON 2017)
M Ogrodniczuk, V Ng
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Coreference Resolution Beyond OntoNotes …, 2017
Un modèle simple de coût cognitif de la résolution d’anaphores
O Seminck
Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016 3, 66-79, 2016
Event annotation for literary corpora analysis
C Grunspan, F Mélanie-Becquet, J Barré, L Chardon, I Galleron, ...
Digital Humanities 2022, 471-472, 2022
A cognitively plausible model for anaphora resolution
O Seminck, P Amsili
AMLaP 22, 2016
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Articles 1–20