Sabine Stoltz
Sabine Stoltz
Assistant Professor Development Psychology, Radboud University
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Popularity differentially predicts reactive and proactive aggression in early adolescence
S Stoltz, AHN Cillessen, YHM van den Berg, R Gommans
Aggressive Behavior 42 (1), 29-40, 2016
Enhancing social inclusion of children with externalizing problems through classroom seating arrangements: A randomized controlled trial
YHM Van den Berg, S Stoltz
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 26 (1), 31-41, 2018
The influence of competitive and cooperative video games on behavior during play and friendship quality in adolescence
GP Verheijen, SEMJ Stoltz, YHM van den Berg, AHN Cillessen
Computers in Human Behavior 91, 297-304, 2019
Friendly fire: Longitudinal effects of exposure to violent video games on aggressive behavior in adolescent friendship dyads
GP Verheijen, WJ Burk, SEMJ Stoltz, YHM van den Berg, AHN Cillessen
Aggressive behavior 44 (3), 257-267, 2018
Developmental personality types from childhood to adolescence: Associations with parenting and adjustment
AD De Haan, M Deković, AL Van den Akker, SEMJ Stoltz, P Prinzie
Child development 84 (6), 2015-2030, 2013
Diathesis stress or differential susceptibility? Testing longitudinal associations between parenting, temperament, and children's problem behavior
S Stoltz, R Beijers, S Smeekens, M Deković
Social Development 26 (4), 783-796, 2017
Effectiveness of an individual school-based intervention for children with aggressive behaviour: a randomized controlled trial
S Stoltz, M van Londen, M Deković, BO de Castro, P Prinzie, JE Lochman
Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy 41 (5), 525-548, 2013
Fathers’ personality and its interaction with children’s personality as predictors of perceived parenting behavior six years later
P Prinzie, M Deković, AL van den Akker, AD De Haan, SEMJ Stoltz, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 52 (2), 183-189, 2012
Effectiveness of individually delivered indicated school-based interventions on externalizing behavior
S Stoltz, M Londen, M Deković, BO Castro, P Prinzie
International Journal of Behavioral Development 36 (5), 381-388, 2012
Simultaneously testing parenting and social cognitions in children at-risk for aggressive behavior problems: sex differences and ethnic similarities
S Stoltz, M van Londen, M Deković, P Prinzie, BO de Castro, JE Lochman
Journal of Child and Family Studies 22, 922-931, 2013
Bidirectional effects between parenting and aggressive child behavior in the context of a preventive intervention
LW Te Brinke, M Deković, SEMJ Stoltz, AHN Cillessen
Journal of abnormal child psychology 45 (5), 921-934, 2017
Testing theories through evaluation research: Conceptual and methodological issues embedded in evaluations of parenting programmes
M Deković, S Stoltz, H Schuiringa, W Manders, JJ Asscher
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 9 (1), 61-74, 2012
Child personality as moderator of outcome in a school–based intervention for preventing externalising behaviour
S Stoltz, P Prinzie, A De Haan, M Van Londen, BO De Castro, M Deković
European Journal of Personality 27 (3), 271-279, 2013
A longitudinal social network perspective on adolescents' exposure to violent video games and aggression
GP Verheijen, WJ Burk, SEMJ Stoltz, YHM van den Berg, AHN Cillessen
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 24 (1), 24-31, 2021
Associations between different aspects of video game play behavior and adolescent adjustment
GP Verheijen, WJ Burk, SEMJ Stoltz, YHM van den Berg, AHN Cillessen
Journal of Media Psychology, 2019
Speak up or stay silent: Can teacher responses towards bullying predict victimized students’ disclosure of victimization?
IM ten Bokkel, SEMJ Stoltz, YHM van den Berg, BO de Castro, H Colpin
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 18 (6), 831-847, 2021
Orobio de Castro, B., & Prinzie, P.(2013). What works for whom, how and under what circumstances? Testing moderated mediation of intervention effects on externalizing behavior …
S Stoltz, M Deković, M Van Londen
Social Development 22 (2), 406-425, 0
Moderators and mediators of treatments for youth who show externalizing problem behavior
M Dekovic, S Stoltz
Moderators and mediators of youth treatment outcomes, 97-122, 2015
What works for whom, how and under what circumstances? Testing moderated mediation of intervention effects on externalizing behavior in children
S Stoltz, M Deković, M van Londen, B Orobio de Castro, P Prinzie
Social Development 22 (2), 406-425, 2013
The longitudinal interplay between attention bias and interpretation bias in social anxiety in adolescents
LA Henricks, WG Lange, M Luijten, YHM van den Berg, SEMJ Stoltz, ...
Cognitive Therapy and Research 46 (5), 940-955, 2022
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Articles 1–20